Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The Week of Really Important Stuff...

Okay, so we're STAR testing this week, (Sweet!), and that means you're given an opportunity to show those people in Sacramento your plethora of English knowledge. Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday will be dedicated to that endeavor. Rock on students!

Thursday is Chemistry Affair, so many of you will be busy with that.

Friday we have a really cool opportunity where the entire Sophomore class will watch Schindler's List, a movie about the Holocaust. Please remember to have your parent/guardian sign a release slip and turn it into me. I'm sure you have already had them sign for World Civ., but I'd like one too. You know, so I know for sure you're not trying to skirt the system.

Eat a good breakfast. Don't stay up late playing your Atari, and rock these important, albeit long and boring, tests.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Spring Fever? You Betcha!

So a reminder for things due for the remainder of this week. Wait, is it bad to talk about the the end of the week when it's only Monday? Oh well.

Tuesday we're going to have a point-building opportunity for everyone in the form of a cumulative open-book Night test.
Wednesday we're going to work on some test prep, specifically the things everyone had difficulty last time we did TPT. Remember STAR testing happens the week we return from break, and I want you all to do well.
Thursday I am reserving for those of you choosing to do performance pieces for your SSR or MySpace pages so we can all look at each other's projects.

Friday-sleep-in-city! Spring Break!

Here were the questions from today...
Answer the following questions in depth and to the best of your ability.

How did you feel about your experience in Socratic seminar? Did you enjoy it? Why or why not? What was the most interesting part of the seminar for you? What was the most frustrating part? What did you learn?

You started the seminar by answering some questions. Your views and opinions may have shifted after your seminar, maybe only slightly, but shifted nonetheless because of the conversation you had in your seminar. . Pick one of the questions on which your opinion has shifted the most dramatically, and re-answer that question. Please be sure to explain how your opinion has shifted and why.

Consider the readings we’ve done for this particular unit: Night, Leon Bass and Wiesel’s dedication speech. Also reflect upon the conversations we’ve had as a class, and the discussions brought up by the seminar. What, if anything, are you taking away from this unit? Honestly now, have you changed your opinions, views or actions? Why or why not?

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Socratic Seminars: Pretty Much Rock.

I hope you're enjoying listening, participating, and thinking about the questions being discussed today during Socratic seminar. I still contend that the most difficult part, especially being a teacher, is not wanting to throw someone out of a desk to say your own opinion. BUT, Socratic seminars also teach us a skill equally as valuable as being able to articulate your thoughts: to listen.

I'm sure you find yourself composing answers to questions posed in the group, unable to participate, but then find those same answers shifting as you listen to other people's ideas...

Okay, round two tomorrow.

Until then: Happy Thursday.

If you weren't here today, you missed fabulous discussion, interesting conversation, and the opportunity to watch your peers tackle really difficult questions. No worries though, more of the same tomorrow.