Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Once a Spartan, Always a Spartan...

It's kind of crazy to get your head around the fact this year is essentially done. It seem just like yesterday, you guys came swaggering into my class, feelin' like you were all that and a bag of chips, relieved you were no longer at the bottom of the social food chain. My my, how far you've come, and yet, is that a swagger I've seen return to your strides as you realize you're about to transition into *gasp* upperclassmen? Nah.

Well, this time of year always leaves me with mixed emotions; on one hand I'm overjoyed about the prospect of sleeping in past five thirty, and yet on the other, it's a time of good-byes, and this year especially so. Teaching at Red Bluff has been an adventure to say the least, but I will admit, this year has been my best year I've ever had in my seven years of doing this gig. I know it's because I had a stellar group of students: you. Thank you for making this year rock. Take any time you had fun in this class, (and I know for some, that number would be zero), and multiply it by 1,000, and that's how much fun I've had teaching you guys. It's been an amazing year for me, and hopefully, along the way somewhere, you've learned a thing or two.

Well kiddos, I sign off. No, I'm not going to post the new school's blog so you can have an opportunity to strut your vast superiority of knowledge in English and make the underclassmen, in another city no less, shake in their boots. Let's be honest, you would have hated that too. BUT, I will post my new email addy so you can keep in touch should you choose. Continue being B.As and send me your college pennants so I can proudly display them in my classroom. I leave you with Caesar's ambition, Brutus' honor, Ellie's courage, Napoleon's cleverness, Paul's honesty, Antonio's introspection, and Montag's eternal quest for knowledge.

Piña out.

Monday, June 1, 2009

It's my Grandma's birthday, what did you bring her?

Hey, we took the final test for Caesar today! Whoo-hoo! It was out of 123 points, and many, many, many of you just absolutely ROCKED IT! Good job! Let's gear up for the third and final portion of our trinal.