Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Some reminders....

We've barely gotten into AQWF, the movie, but what are your thoughts thus far? What about Himmelstoss as the lowly mail man? (Is there a reason why he goes 'postal' in boot camp? Sorry, couldn't resist...)

Don't forget that for periods 1,3,4 and 6, your letter home is due. Of the letters that I've read, many of you are forgetting to include Paul's thoughts about war in general. Please make sure that you don't forget to do that. Here is a reminder of what the assignment asks you to do:

In this assignment, you will write a letter home from Paul. You will discuss your feelings regarding your current situation, and also discuss at length your feelings regarding war in general. You should also make some allusions to what your plans are after the war. Specific references from the text ought to be utilized whenever possible.

Though this paper is to be written in letter format, do not be fooled by its simplicity. I will still be looking for coherent organization, thorough explanation about “your ideas”, and your use of specific textual references. In lieu of quotes, you will simply reference the text. This is a project in which you may also get creative; this is the only formal writing assignment you may write in pen. Have fun, write well and be creative.

And of course, period 1, you are going to give me your posters tomorrow as well.
And Bella will be notified that none of my classes remembered her birthday...she will be so sad.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Late Monday Blog

Okay, since we're inbetween books right now, I didn't post a blog at the end of the day.  Just to recap what we did in class today, and what is due:

Advanced Comp
Signed off on letter and poster draft.
Reviewed letter rubric.
Time to work on letters and draft.  

For those of you who need some inspiration, here is a link to all of those snazzy WWI posters.  http://library.georgetown.edu/dept./speccoll/britpost/posters.htm

Friday, January 23, 2009

It's Friday...

We found out today that many of our opinions had shifted, if only a tiny bit, after reading AQWF. One of the most hotly debated statements was whether or not soldiers know what they are fighting for.

Well, we're in a war right now. Do we 'know' what we are fighting for?
Obviously Remarque felt compelled to tell his story to the entire world, so clearly he has an opinion about war. What do you think Remarque would say about our current war?

Oh, by the way, if you post as Anonymous, please make sure you at least include your ID#.
Today in Advanced Comp:
Worked on both character chart and violence chart.
Reviewed and discussed class shifts on pre-AQWF war survey.
Assigned AQWF Propaganda Poster DUE: 1-27
Assigned AQWF Letter Home DUE: 1-28
HWK: Rough draft of letter and rough sketch for poster.  
And don't forget, this assignment may double count for Hein if you have him, but you *must* add in the elements I would like you to include for our assignment.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

The End....

Some experts believe that the ending to AQWF was the BEST if not the ONLY way to end this novel. Agree? Disagree? Why?

Do we as readers need to know exactly how Paul died? Explain

What was Remarque's purpose of writing this book, and do you feel he accomplished it?

*** Start thinking about what Paul would say should he have lived.****

Today in Advanced Comp:
Sign off on ch 10-11 notes.
Quiz on ch 10-11
Discussion on ironic elements of novel
Retest of anticipation war survey.
HWK: None

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

End of AQWF *spoiler alert!*

Here are some things to ponder as we finish the end of this novel...

What does Paul mean, "It is as though formerly we were coins of different provinces; and now we are melted down, and all bear the same stamp" (272)

Irony plays a large role in AQWF. Irony is defined as "the use of words to convey a meaning that is opposite of its literal meaning". Or the outcome of events to be contrary or opposite of what was expected.
What is the ironic contrast between those who profit from the war and those who fight it? How does Kat die, and how is his death ironic? Paul's death is incredibly ironic: how so? (think about his death in relation to end of the war.

What about those silly yellow boots?

Let's all hold hands and leap into the 21st century..

Actually, I know we are already here, and let's face it, most of you Mildreds, I mean.. "students" are up to your elbows in our 21st technology, but I thought this would be an excellent way for you to multitask by not only watching TV, listening to your iPod, texting, updating your MySpace, but also blogging for English class.

We have a mere, and I do mean mere 59 minutes together, and while I acknowledge that that period of time may be an eternity for some if not most of you, that time allotment seldom allows us to answer all of the questions you may have about an assignment, a reading, or anything else related to English. This blog is a medium for you to post your questions, your comments, and will be used to generally generate thought. This won't work without your participation, so please participate. Who knows...you may get extra credit for it.

Well, let's give this thing a little whirl.