Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Some reminders....

We've barely gotten into AQWF, the movie, but what are your thoughts thus far? What about Himmelstoss as the lowly mail man? (Is there a reason why he goes 'postal' in boot camp? Sorry, couldn't resist...)

Don't forget that for periods 1,3,4 and 6, your letter home is due. Of the letters that I've read, many of you are forgetting to include Paul's thoughts about war in general. Please make sure that you don't forget to do that. Here is a reminder of what the assignment asks you to do:

In this assignment, you will write a letter home from Paul. You will discuss your feelings regarding your current situation, and also discuss at length your feelings regarding war in general. You should also make some allusions to what your plans are after the war. Specific references from the text ought to be utilized whenever possible.

Though this paper is to be written in letter format, do not be fooled by its simplicity. I will still be looking for coherent organization, thorough explanation about “your ideas”, and your use of specific textual references. In lieu of quotes, you will simply reference the text. This is a project in which you may also get creative; this is the only formal writing assignment you may write in pen. Have fun, write well and be creative.

And of course, period 1, you are going to give me your posters tomorrow as well.
And Bella will be notified that none of my classes remembered her birthday...she will be so sad.


AshiahD said...

Hello Ms. Piña, it's Ashiah from period one. :)

I don't know if you will get this before tomorrow, but i forgot to ask you in class today about letter formatting. I want to make sure that i type up my letter properly and it looks nice. Is there any certain way to format it? I have a program in Microsoft Word that helps me format letters. Will that be acceptable?

Thanks for assigning the poster project. It was so much fun! I can't wait to show people my poster tomorrow at school.

Tell Bella Happy Birthday for me!

Charlie said...


I like the movie so far. I love old movies!!! Black and white is really cool to me!!! I LOVE OLD TECHNOLOGY!!!. I also like to watch movies that are done after books because its interesting to see the differences, but of course the book is always better and old movies have cheesy acting wich make them funny. I also think that the whole postman thing with Himmelstoss is funny. He looks more like an ice cream man in the movie though. lol =D

Thanx for the reminder of the letter by the way! =D

By the way i just wanted to let you know i thought the poster project was AWESOME!! i love art stuff like that. I also like the letter. I like writing essays but i just dont find this topic very interesting, but thats why its an essay and i can make it interesting, just for your enjoyment Ms. Pina!! =D sorry bout the n. i dont know how to do the accenct on the internet.


Your Favarite student, Charlie Robert =D

Ms. Piña said...


By letter formatting, I meant to have a Dear (fill in the blank...), in paragraphs, in first person, and then ends with a salutation. It doesn't need to be in business, block or any other formal format. Hopefully you get this tonight.

Ms. Piña said...

And Charlie, Bella Notte thanks you for her birthday song. Hopefully you'll enjoy the next assignment too. Probably not as fun as the poster, but more interesting, I think...

AshiahD said...

Alright! I did just that. Thank you Ms. Piña.

Anonymous said...

Do you wanna give us a heads up about it? Like when? And what its about?

I do agree, this was one of my favorite assignments of the year so far!

Happy B-Day Bella!

Sixth Period

Ms. Piña said...

Now AJ, I can't give everything away! All I'll tell you is it's about propaganda and advertisement.

Charlie said...

Ur welcome Bella. =D

And i now i will enjoy the next project. I enjoyed writing the essay and i tried to make it original and interesting for you. =D and Isnt our next project a video or somethng along the lines of a video on advertisement?? i remember last semester u menched something like that for a project for this semester?

Thanx again Ms. Piña and I hope you have a great day tomarrow. BYE!!! =D

Supersonic789 said...

Ok charlie Dial down on the enthusiasm its starting to scare me Dx. Well I hope I get on a good grade on this I did my best =P. The movie was ok so far but I thought Himmelstoss was supposed to be an evil robot nazi?

AJ said...
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Supersonic789 said...

pfft w/e Charlie. So anyways himmelstoss finally shows is true colors but the movie skips around too much! it jumps from part to part and it gets confusing. I'm finally keeping track of the characters Haie is dead when kem was supposed to die before him. Anyways its an alright movie I'm not going to rain On Paul's parade but I wouldn't own the movie. xD oh yea the part when the guy gets blown up and his hands are left on the barbed wire is funny the special effects they had those days....

Anonymous said...

The movie's pretty cool so far...even though it skips around according to the book.

Goddess_of_Light_93 said...

The movies pretty cool even though it seems to us as though it skips around because it doesn't follow the book. The projects are a little more interesting this semester so far.

Anonymous said...

The movie is actually really close to the book. It is a lot different than the movies based on books today. It is a good movie and helped me write my letter. =)#22279

Kayla Freund said...

Ms. Piña, I loved the movie! Some of the acting was cheezy, like when kat get's hit with the after shock of the bomb his leg twitches up and few seconds after it hits. (maby delayed reaction??)
It's always interesting to see the movie version of books, but most of the time the movies are nothing in comparison to the book.
I also really enjoy war movies and have grown up on them, so to see this one was a lot of fun. :)

Anonymous said...

Hey Ms.P how come you havent posted anything new on the blog?
by brittney in Sixth period