Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Once a Spartan, Always a Spartan...

It's kind of crazy to get your head around the fact this year is essentially done. It seem just like yesterday, you guys came swaggering into my class, feelin' like you were all that and a bag of chips, relieved you were no longer at the bottom of the social food chain. My my, how far you've come, and yet, is that a swagger I've seen return to your strides as you realize you're about to transition into *gasp* upperclassmen? Nah.

Well, this time of year always leaves me with mixed emotions; on one hand I'm overjoyed about the prospect of sleeping in past five thirty, and yet on the other, it's a time of good-byes, and this year especially so. Teaching at Red Bluff has been an adventure to say the least, but I will admit, this year has been my best year I've ever had in my seven years of doing this gig. I know it's because I had a stellar group of students: you. Thank you for making this year rock. Take any time you had fun in this class, (and I know for some, that number would be zero), and multiply it by 1,000, and that's how much fun I've had teaching you guys. It's been an amazing year for me, and hopefully, along the way somewhere, you've learned a thing or two.

Well kiddos, I sign off. No, I'm not going to post the new school's blog so you can have an opportunity to strut your vast superiority of knowledge in English and make the underclassmen, in another city no less, shake in their boots. Let's be honest, you would have hated that too. BUT, I will post my new email addy so you can keep in touch should you choose. Continue being B.As and send me your college pennants so I can proudly display them in my classroom. I leave you with Caesar's ambition, Brutus' honor, Ellie's courage, Napoleon's cleverness, Paul's honesty, Antonio's introspection, and Montag's eternal quest for knowledge.

Piña out.


AJ said...

Well Ms.Piña, it's been a great year. I have always liked my english classes each and every year, especially this one. There was never a dull moment in this classroom, we were always doing something. I'd have to say my favorite project was the speeches we did (I did a powerpoint), just cuz it was on a topic we could choose by our-selves, and one I enjoyed.
It is sad that you are leaving, a dedicated and great teacher should never have to go through with this. Last week on Friday when I saw you taking stuff down off the wall by you're computer, that's when it hit me, that teaches are really leaving RBHS...but I know your stuff will all go right back up on another school's wall (hopeflly). I've had a great time in your class, and I will keep in touch :)

Sixth Period

AshiahD said...

I cannot believe that this year is ending. It's been such an amazing year, challenging and very tough at times, but so rewarding. I know I am speaking for EVERYONE when I say that all of your students here at RBHS are going to dearly miss you. And your class, and the blog, and...okay I'm not going to continue because I am making myself sad.

You will be sure to hear from me Ms. Piña, and I am looking forward to when I get to hear from you. Thank you so much for everything you have taught me and my classmates this year!

Ashiah Scharaga
First Period

Brittney Andersen said...

I have to say that you are a really cool teacher. You are like a teenager stuck in a grown-up body. I love you. Well i hope that you come back to Red Bluff High some time. I am really going to miss you and i hope that you find a group of kids that are just as awesome as us at Red Bluff High.
Please keep in touch.
Love, Brittney Andersen

PhilipGraves said...

Ms. Piña,
The past year has been AMAZING! Sorry, but I'm not going to pretend like every day was an amazing day, but at least 90% of them were. You started out as the evil teacher from hell (Again, sorry!) but over time, I got used to you, and you are now one of my favorite teachers. I will miss you, Ms. Piña. I will miss your grammar fails, your amazing sense of humor, and yes, even your stories about your dogs. ;)

I will DEFINATELY keep in touch! How could I not, with all of the things you still have to tell me?

You have to promise me one thing, though. You need to promise that you WILL KEEP POSTING TO THIS BLOG!!! We want to hear all about you and your new students. (Even though they won't be as cool as us!) We want to hear all about your new job. Actually, we want to hear about you.

We will all miss you, Ms. Piña.

Your students from the class of 2008-2009.

Courtney Taylor said...

Wow....the end of the year is here already. Well I have had some of the funnest times in you class, from AVID last year when Robert had to stand in the corner...that was awesome! But I have to say honestly at the beginning of the year when I found out I had TWO classes with you I wasn't too happy about it....but I got over it and I had an awesome time doing it whether it was completely plotting against you in AVID for your party or socratic seminars in Advanced comp, I'm probably never going to forget this year, so heres to the 3 classes and 2 years of being together....I hope you have the best time in the future, you will be missed.

Fifth and Sixth period

Katelyn Lynch(the one who wont shut up) said...

Ms.Piña, not mrs. Because that is your grandmother... :]
Geez, what a year its been. Im not sure if you will come back and check comments or not, but I feel I must write this.

We got off to an intense start. :] I believe I even got kicked out once or twice .. by my choice. What can I say, im a rebel. lol. But seriously, im glad I stayed in your class, I actually learned without realizing it. So I must give props to you. You made caesar understandable, and bearable.

Ms.Piña you're a great teacher, and pretty freakin cool. Im honestly going to miss you.

-Katelyn Lynch.