Friday, January 23, 2009

It's Friday...

We found out today that many of our opinions had shifted, if only a tiny bit, after reading AQWF. One of the most hotly debated statements was whether or not soldiers know what they are fighting for.

Well, we're in a war right now. Do we 'know' what we are fighting for?
Obviously Remarque felt compelled to tell his story to the entire world, so clearly he has an opinion about war. What do you think Remarque would say about our current war?

Oh, by the way, if you post as Anonymous, please make sure you at least include your ID#.
Today in Advanced Comp:
Worked on both character chart and violence chart.
Reviewed and discussed class shifts on pre-AQWF war survey.
Assigned AQWF Propaganda Poster DUE: 1-27
Assigned AQWF Letter Home DUE: 1-28
HWK: Rough draft of letter and rough sketch for poster.  
And don't forget, this assignment may double count for Hein if you have him, but you *must* add in the elements I would like you to include for our assignment.


PhilipGraves said...

I honestly don't think that we know what we're fighting for. Some people think that we're in a war because of 9/11. Some people think that we're in a war because of Saddam Hussein. In my opinion, it's just George W. trying to finish what his dad started. Of course, I don't know much about it. With all the talk over the years about oil, terrorism, and WMD's, I don't know what to think anymore. Right now we're at war with a country that we're trying to help rebuild. Is that right? (It seems like a bit of an oxymoron to me)

In my opinion all war is wrong, but this one is just stupid. On top of everything else that we're trying to do in the Middle East, we're going to resolve a conflict between two countries THAT HAVE BEEN FIGHTING FOR OVER 2000 YEARS! Yea, we're a pretty powerful nation, but we're not God. If we really want to do some good over there, we need to pull some of our troops out of Iraq, and put them where the terrorists actually are: Afghanistan.

The United States needs to stop being the "Big Brother" country, and start worrying about the problems that we have here: a growing unemployment rate, the poor stock market, and the recession. If we can fix some of the problems that we have here on our soil, then, and only then, can we even think about helping out other countries.

Now, to answer your other question: I think that Remarque would feel as I do, that this war is a waste of innocent lives. It doesn't need to be fought, and all we're doing is killing innocent people.

Philip from 1st period

P.S. Sorry if I got a few facts wrong, all I can go off of is what I've heard from the news and the internet.

Anonymous said...

I don't think we are fighting FOR anything, we are fighting OVER something. The September 11th attacks back in2001 to be precise. I do sometimes think the war we're fight now is un-needed, but if we weren't over there we might be in deep trouble with the stupid government in Iraq or where ever we're fighting!. I think the author of AQWF really wouldn't say anything about it. He didn't really know back then what they were fighting for, so why would he now?
And I do agree with Philip, the United States does need to back off a little and try not to get involved in everything that happens in this un-perfect world.

Sixth Period

fhufid said...

I think that the government isn't telling us all the reasons why we are at war.

I think he whould be dissapointed that still all this fighting was still being done by the common people. Instead of the poloticians fighting. :-(

Courtney said...

Honestly, I think that we are in a war right now because Bush thought Saddam Hussein was behind the 9/11 terriorist attacks. So everyones opinion kind of varies on this, I guess you really have to decide for yourself on what you believe.

PhilipGraves said...

I don't think that Bush believes Saddam Hussein was behind the 9/11 attacks. He did, however, think that Iraq had WMD's, and I'm pretty sure that's one of the reasons that we're overses right now.

Courtney said...

Yea they might have WMD but there had to be someone behind it all and Bush probably needed a reason to get to Iraq or where ever the troops are right now(I don't follow all this very well. I think im way off topic but I think I wrote back to what Phillip said

PhilipGraves said...

Well, yea, we are off topic, but as Ms. Piña said, that's the beauty of blogging! Oh, and as it turns out, they do not have WMD's.

Kayla Freund said...

First of all philip what is a wmd???
Second, I know that what they are telling the marienes that are currently stationed in iraq is, that they are there on a 'protective' or 'big brother' basis, in the meaning that if we wern't there right now Iraq, having little to no current government, would colaps on itself and have wars within its counrty between religious and person beliefs, and that we are only there to keep anything like that or bigger from happening.
Now is that what we are truly there for???
I'm not positive but like i said Marienes that are currently stationed there are being told that.
Also are we possibly interfearing with any other things that might happen due to us being there?
Once again im unsure but Obama better be ready for this, becuase if we leave and they go all out on themselves then we will be the ones to blame.

PhilipGraves said...

Well, first of all, a WMD is a Weapon of Mass Destruction. It was rumored that Iraq had some, and we decided to get involved.

Yes, it's true that if we take all of our troops out, the government will probably collapse, and another dictator will rise to power. And right now, that makes sense that its the reason we're there. I think that we should keep some troops in Iraq, at least until the government stabilizes, but not at the numbers we have now. Right now, we're just interfering, not helping. It won't do them any good if they rely on us to rebuild their country for them. We should be there to HELP them, but they should be doing a lot of the work, and with the number of troops in there today, its not working.

So Kayla, yes, right now we are in Iraq to help them with their government. However, we DO need to pull some troops out.

Kayla Freund said...

Ok thank you for the definition.

Still we do need some, maby not as many as we do currently, but how much of whats going on over there do we really know??? How badly will it hurt us or them if we did stay there, or if we didn't in the long run??
I believe we have a good reason to be there and how ever many people it takes to cover our selves helps. If we were there in small numbers maby they wouldn't find us any help and just see us as a minimal threat and go against us. Look at what they've done and have been doing. Were not in a state of confidence when it come to what we should do.

PhilipGraves said...

Actually, we don't know much about what's going on there. I can see where you're coming from about how we need to defend ourselves, but come on, right now we have about 150,000 troops in Iraq alone. Do we really need that many people to prove that we're a force to be reckoned with? No, we don't. Unless, of course, the government is keeping things from us. Of course, even then, that number is WAAAAY to high! Don't you think?

Kayla Freund said...

Yes it is a rediculious amount but think of the population there. You need at least one soldier for ever 5 (randome amount i chose) of there people.
Personaly im hating this war, i have family in it, but i would rather see it prevented rather then later having to be ended as a real war.
We currently are not losing many troups and they are doing what they enjoy, so why not help prevent mass killing by letting them do what they signed up for rather then just sit around base in seven palms or something.
Don't you agree?

PhilipGraves said...

Yes, I see what you're saying. I have family in the war too, and I don't like it either. But still a 1:5 ratio is pretty big.

And when you say that they're doing what they enjoy, that worries me. Are you saying that they enjoy killing? I personally don't think that many of the soldiers in this war actually support or enjoy it. I know that I don't.

A.J. said...

Philip this comment is for you about the terrorist thing who said that the terrosists are even in afghanistan. We went to war to destroy "weapons of mass destruction" that when showed up didn't exist so people in our country said it is because terror now it is called the war on terror. I agree with you that soldiers don't know what they are fighting for, it is truly upsetting that with all of our technological advances we can't even fight a war worth fighting for. I believe that the author of AQWF would agree with Philip and I that most soldiers don't know what they are fighting for and why there even is a war.
A.J. for first period

PhilipGraves said...

True, we don't 100% know that the terrorists are in Afghanistan, but that's the place where they were last heard from. It's the place where Osama Bin Laden plotted the 9/11 attacks. It's the place that he was when he sent those videos of himself.

True, we don't know with 100 percent certainty that that's where they are, but it's a pretty good hunch.

Zach Brown said...

All right we are searching for Osama Bin Laden in Afghanistan. Yet that isn't the main focus of this war. We mostly hear about everything that is happening in Iraq. Except we are not even hearing as much about the war on terror because of all the other headliners in the world.

I believe that our soldiers do know what they are fighting for. Everyone has somebody that they want to go back to when the war is over. Those are what the soldiers are fighting for. Not some goofy goose chase for Bin Laden but for the family and friends that they have back at home.

Otherwise i don't care for this war, but we can't just leave this place in the state of chaos that it is in. We tore down there government and now we have to fix it before we can leave. Otherwise it wouldn't seem like we are trying to do the right thing.

Kino - Ken said...

I agree with Zach completely on what he said. The soldiers in Iraq are fighting for their family and friends back home. TO be quite honest, I don't like the idea of fighting a war, but the concept behind war itself fascinates me on a totally different level.

I think Remarque would be, disappointed in a sense with us for fighting this war. His book tells me that he doesn't believe war is right, thus a war like this would more then likely disappoint him. Though we are not him so we can't be certain.

Now, a question involving the propaganda poster. i was reading the assignment paper again and noticed that it also says that we need to have a paper explaining why we chose to make this picture and what the picture is supposed to mean. You didn't talk about that part of the assignment to our class, so is that part of the assignment or is it Just the picture?

Zach Brown said...

That is part of the assignment. Also Remarque knew what he wanted to come from his book, and the appeal and feelings people who read the book have for complete what Remarque wanted to do.

Anonymous said...

I believe Ramarque would say that our current war is pointless. Just like he said about his own war.There is no difference between the wars except for the reason that it started. It is still all pointless war. id # 22279

Zach Brown said...

Okay first of all there is a difference between being the same and having similarities. These two wars have similarities but are not even close to being the same war. Remarque's war which was WWI was about and endless fight because one country got in a fight with another and their friend backed them up and so on. It ended up being a war of who could last the longest.

The war we are in has purpose. We ended a dictatorship and we are now trying to fix what we destroyed. If anyhting it is more similar to WW2 which our goal was to ended Hitler's reign of terror.

So if Remarque would have written another book about this war and then compared the two of them i think he would be supporting this war more than the other ones.