Friday, February 27, 2009

Speak Your Mind!

If you were one of the lucky students to have their name drawn to go on Monday, please come prepared, and ready to 'inform' your classmates. Don't forget to view the rubric down below.

Period One: Megan, Gerald, Jay, Cody, Marissa, Anna ON DECK: Phillip

Perod Three: Jessie, Josh, Haley, Austin, Kyle, Misael ON DECK: Mario

Period Four: Courtney B, Diamond, Sarah, Catona, Whitney, Emily ON DECK: Cheyene

Period Six: Tim, Cory, Alex F, Alex G, Charlie, Brittney ON DECK: Trey

If you were off on vacation today, here's what you missed:
Pass back quiz and Work Record from yesterday.
Sign off on written-out speech.
Work on speeches.
HWK: Those who are going on Monday need to be ready to present on Monday.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Speech Rubric

Hook: /10
Signpost x2: /10
Transitions: /10
Tie-in: /10
Two visual aids: /10
5 minutes: /10

Volume/rate/continuity: /10
Eye contact: /10
Only one 3x5 card allowed, with information on one side only.

You're going to have a quiz tomorrow on the components of speeches!!!! Spread the word!

If you were ditching today, here's what you missed:
Five fun facts about Dobermans
Email grammar: don't let it happen to you.
Sign off on speech outlines.
Work on speeches.
*Special* announcement regarding speeches.. (not due until Monday)
HWK: Have your speech written out to begin practice.
Check out the blog for speech rubric.

More from the email... EC for correcting the following sentence and posting it.
Especially since his face and body looks very much like [the dog] Champion Soquel "Catch the Sun", then again he should since he has the same progeny.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Speech Thoughts...

There were some interesting arguments put forward by Miss Casa today which has made me rethink Friday's due date.  Outlines are still due tomorrow, but I may, and I mean *may* push your start date to Monday.  Now don't all start whining, or pleading, you know that gets you nowhere...  Let's see what tomorrow's outlines bring...  Make sure you can define the words hook, signpost, transition and tie-in.  

Look what I found at the gym today...

If you were washing your hair today, here's what you missed:
Sign-off on speech topics.
Discussion of visual aids/speakers.
Ms. Piña's speech demonstration.
HWK: speech outline due.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


HUGE CONGRATULATIONS to the following students who participated in the Rotary Club speech contest!  
YOU GUYS ARE GREAT!!!  WAY TO TAKE A RISK!!!  I am SO impressed!

A Moment to Rest...

...and breathe a bit before we start our next novel. KUDOS to you for turning in your propaganda essays! But of course we can't simply hang out, doing nothing. We must continue working our brains!

So today we learned some important vocabulary regarding speeches. You ought to be able to define: signpost, transitions, hook, conclusion and tie-in.

You should also be brainstorming some topics on which you can speak for five minutes. Remember that it should be something you're interested in, not something you think I'll like. (Well, if you want to discuss the creation and advertising of the bumper-sticker, "Have grammar?" I wouldn't be opposed to it.)

Here's something to consider: Visual aids. What are 'boring' visual aids? Which visual aids are the most interesting to you? What about speakers? Which speakers are the best to listen to, and which make you want to leave the room? What is the difference between these two speakers?

If you weren't in class today, here's what you missed:

TPT- Yeay!
Collection of AF books- turn yours in if you didn't.
Speech components ppt.
HWK: write down FIVE potential topics for your speech.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Crunch Time!

Look how nice I am! Here is your rubric for your paper due tomorrow. It's worth 200 points.
Please make sure you're comparing the propaganda techniques, and not the actual products. Remember diapers vs. Proactive, doesn't make sense, but plain folk vs. testimonial does.

A. Response to Topic
Writer has identified two mediums where propaganda is used. Writer has also identified the different types of propaganda, and has ultimately made a decision as to which is more effective /35
B. Understanding
Writer has made valid discoveries to the use of propaganda in their selected medium. They have also thoroughly explained how the propaganda is utilized within the medium. /35
C. Paragraph Construction
Each paragraph is properly constructed,
consisting of a topic sentence which
supports the thesis, concrete details
from the text, and commentary
explaining the writer’s thoughts. /35
D. Quality/ Clarity of Thought
The writer thoroughly explains how each propaganda works within the medium. Ideas are complex, yet easy to understand.
Writer has also included a thesis which outlines the paper /35
E. Command of Language
Writer uses choice words to convey
his/her thoughts succinctly and
effectively. /20
F. Grammar
Grammar is correct and does not
interfere with understanding.
No grade killers are present. /20
G. Typed /10
H. Formatted Correctly
Paper is in MLA format. /10

OKAY: And for everyone participating in the speech contest tomorrow, remember:

4-way Test Speech Contest ROOM 316

Topic: The 4-Way Test

Of the things we think, say, or do:

1. Is it the truth? 2. Is it fair to all concerned? 3. Will it build goodwill and better friendship? 4. Will it be beneficial to all concerned.

ARRIVE: 5:30- Instructions

CONTEST: 5:45-Speeches begin

*You are allowed ONE 3X5 note card. Your speech must be within 5-7 minutes! You probably want to dress nicely; clean, no holes, shirts tucked in, etc.

And finally...

If you weren't in class today, you missed:

Review of propaganda essay.

Clarification on essay.

Essay work time.

HWK: Essay due tomorrow!

Friday, February 13, 2009


But you still have homework.  Okay, maybe not homework, but an essay to write.  Isn't that just so much better?  I just want you to make sure you're really seeing the propaganda within your advertisement, and not trying to 'make it work'.  

The biggest mistake you can make is forcing a technique to be in the ad.  Okay, and if you're interested in the speech contest ($300! WOW!) let me know and I'll post some more information on it.  

Juanita, I haven't forgotten.  I'll post your questions in a bit.  

Happy National Singles Awareness Day tomorrow!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Aren't You PUMPED?

For this way snazzy essay? I am. I hope you rock this essay like you rocked your Bless Me Ultima essays. It's all about the choice...

Okay, hopefully you're frantically looking at the advertisements that plague our little worlds. I think it's amazing how many propaganda techniques we are subjected to on a daily basis! Wow!

Please let me know if the outline lecture today was helpful and/or clear. I just want you guys to know that organization is the key to compare/contrast essays.

Okay here's what you missed if you weren't in class today:

Correct quiz from ch 8-10~Period One: REMIND ME TO DO THIS TOMORROW!
Essay assignment-YES!
Outline discussion
Example ads and essay from the very talented Ms. Piña (Duh, I should hope so: you're the teacher Ms. Piña!)
HWK: Bring in THE two ads you'll be working with for your essay.
Okay, it's almost five and I'm punchy from being in my classroom too long! See you guys tomorrow!

OH, question of the night: Where are you surprised to find propaganda being used? What ads are you thinking of? Does your awareness of propaganda and satire in the novel make you more aware of propaganda within your own life?

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Holly Smokes...

Did we blaze through Animal Farm or what?  Okay, simple text, double plot.  So a couple of things still to ponder though:
        First, why didn't Benjamin take action?  I mean, he's smart enough to understand what is going on with the farm, and he's best friends with the strongest guy on the place, Boxer, so why didn't he act?  I don't know about you, but that bugs me.  
    Second, what is Orwell saying about the intelligence of people?  
    Third, this is a satire, so what is it satirizing?  

Okay Advanced Compers, we're back on the blog bandwagon.  
Start gathering your favorite advertisements found in your paper media...(Like magazines or newspapers...)  
And remember: All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.  Which category to you fall into?  Equal or more equal?

Today in Advanced Comp:
Discussion of CH 7-9 (poor Boxer)
Read CH 10 w/discussion
Ch 8-10 quiz.