Thursday, February 12, 2009

Aren't You PUMPED?

For this way snazzy essay? I am. I hope you rock this essay like you rocked your Bless Me Ultima essays. It's all about the choice...

Okay, hopefully you're frantically looking at the advertisements that plague our little worlds. I think it's amazing how many propaganda techniques we are subjected to on a daily basis! Wow!

Please let me know if the outline lecture today was helpful and/or clear. I just want you guys to know that organization is the key to compare/contrast essays.

Okay here's what you missed if you weren't in class today:

Correct quiz from ch 8-10~Period One: REMIND ME TO DO THIS TOMORROW!
Essay assignment-YES!
Outline discussion
Example ads and essay from the very talented Ms. Piña (Duh, I should hope so: you're the teacher Ms. Piña!)
HWK: Bring in THE two ads you'll be working with for your essay.
Okay, it's almost five and I'm punchy from being in my classroom too long! See you guys tomorrow!

OH, question of the night: Where are you surprised to find propaganda being used? What ads are you thinking of? Does your awareness of propaganda and satire in the novel make you more aware of propaganda within your own life?

1 comment:

Supersonic789 said...
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