Friday, February 13, 2009


But you still have homework.  Okay, maybe not homework, but an essay to write.  Isn't that just so much better?  I just want you to make sure you're really seeing the propaganda within your advertisement, and not trying to 'make it work'.  

The biggest mistake you can make is forcing a technique to be in the ad.  Okay, and if you're interested in the speech contest ($300! WOW!) let me know and I'll post some more information on it.  

Juanita, I haven't forgotten.  I'll post your questions in a bit.  

Happy National Singles Awareness Day tomorrow!


AJ said...

It is can do it over a span of 5 days if you want instead of just 1 night. It will be hard for me to do, cause we're going to our Cabin at Donner Lake this weekend + I'm driving there so I'll have to find time there to do it, or when I come back Monday. Yes, finally some Snowboarding! :)

Yep, that's what I thought I'd be doing, forcing the bandwagon trait into my essay, just have to pay attention while typing to not do that.

Sixth Period
Happy not being apart of National Singles Awareness Day! I'm Taken.

Zakkattakk77 said...

Ms. Piña, you were correct, i did get a comment from you. The comment was concerning my hate for Mamma Mia! I can't even say the name without cringing, ugh! Well, i am taking your advice and in the days to come i am going to revisit the Mamma Mia! topic and i am going to tear it to shreds.

Have you seen this movie? I can't imagine you having seen it let alone liking it, but i HAVE been wrong before!

first period

Anonymous said...

Hey Ms.P um i am having a hard time getting started with my essay i was wondering if you could help me out? Maybe you could email me an example at this is Brittney Andersen by the way

Goddess_of_Light_93 said...

Hey Ms. P,
The essay and speech over the week is a lot easier. I would definitely like it if we cld still get together after school on monday. Thanks for agreeing (sorry if its spelt wrong). C u Monay!