Tuesday, March 31, 2009
A Shift in Tone...
Predictions: What is going to happen?
More questions to come later....(and I hope the movie is working!)
Monday, March 30, 2009
I won't be there tomorrow, so computer people, I hope you can bring your skills.
See you all on Wednesday!
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Snazzy SSR projects, straight from your brains!
Period One
1. Puppet show, with script.
2. Make a Myspace page for your main character. (About me write about your character, and in the book part write why it was banned.)
3. A letter written to the American Library Association explaining why it should or should not be banned.
4. Create a product that applies to your character.
5. Find a song that describes or relates to why your book was banned.
Period Three
1. Make a movie with script.
2. Book cover with details inside that explain why it’s contested and include your opinion.
3. Travel pamphlet explaining why you should read the book and why it’s banned and what you think about it.
4. Short story in first person written by a secondary character.
5. Write a song, sing a song.
Period Four
1. Essay (your opinion on why it was contested and then your opinion on whether or not it ought to be contested..)
2. Scrap book including written requirements. Pictures with captions.
3. Make a board game about your book, and as play the game, the game reveals what the book is about. Make a list of rules for the game, and how each part relates to your book and why it was contested.
4. Write a letter to a local library from the point of view from an angry parent wanting to ban this book./ or a parent who wants the book to not be banned.
5. Design a shoe (or another product) that relates to the novel with an explanation.
Period SIX
1. Power point/slide show thing.
2. Art with explanation.
3. Myspace page.
4. Shadow puppets with script.
5. A normal essay, explaining why the book is contested, and then explain your opinion on whether or not it ought to be.
Thought provoking questions...(Oh no! We can't think!)
According the Wiesel, what would you say is the most important aspect of the museum?
Who is at fault for the holocaust?
What do the words engraved on the museum mean?
What is the challenge Bass puts forward to all people?
Is what he is asking too much?
Getting cavities filled today? Here's what you missed:
1. Brainstorming of SSR projects.
2. Correction of last chapters of Night.
3. Wiesel and Bass remarks...
HWK: Finish Bass remarks if you didn't in class. Look at the blog for questions regarding both readings. Be prepared to discuss tomorrow.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Why do I feel like it's Wednesday?
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Thursday... Yipee!
Section five focuses around Elie's faith, and the faith of the other prisoners. How much longer do you think these men can survive on faith alone? What does the future have in store for Elie and his father?
If you were a mucus-face today, (and thank you for staying home!), here's what you missed:
Quick write about Elie's anger towards god, and faith.
Finished section five.
Section five quiz.
No homework..AGAIN! WOW! (I know, you guys like it when I'm sick!)
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Some thoughts about chapter five....
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Flu-2, Ms.P-0
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Monday....Your Teacher is SICK!
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
A Small Lapse...
Tomorrow we'll finish up our holocaust information, have a little quiz, and then we begin Night.
If you weren't in class yesterday or today because of the time change, here's what you missed.
SSR book due.
SSR time
Quickwrite on what you know about the Holocaust.
Mini lecture on the Holocaust.
HWK: Read your SSR book.
Friday, March 6, 2009
Friday, Lovely Friday!
Remember your book must be off the frequently banned books list, and while you're reading these books, try to keep an idea why these books are frequently contested. Your book must also be "grade appropriate", and at least 150 pages in length. Here are two lists compiled by the American Library Association on the 100 most contested books. Interesting to note how many you've already read, eh?
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Classroom Full of Surprises...
You know how to do this... epina@tehamaed.org
1. Why was the Nestle company sued over Hot Pockets?
2. What is the average number of cases of children with autism?
3. What are two ways you can take care of your voice?
4. What are some physical problems associated with high heels?
5. What i one benefit of running track?
6. Where does the power and speed from a softball pitch derive from?
7. Why would juggling bean-bags be easier than juggling ping-pong balls?
1. What is Manga, and what is unusual about the way you read it?
2. What is the intent of the LHC?
3. What are are two differences between softball and baseball?
1. What are some symptoms of depression?
1 List two ways to get a red card.
2. What is a way to gain admittance to college?
3. What species of fish are potentially threatened by the Red Bluff dam?
4. What is one pro and one con of lowing the drinking age?
5. What are the snazzy decorated trains called?
6. What happens if you substitute tub butter for stick butter?
7. When will computers become smarter than humans?
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Wednesday. It's only Wednesday.

Okay, same drill as last night. epina@tehamaed.org PLEASE put HWK PER (fill in blank)(Your Name) in your subject. Thanks!
1. Name two ways to prevent skin cancer, and identify a specific type of skin cancer.
2. What is a piece of protective gear you can wear while practicing kung-fu fighting. (They are fast as lightning... Huh! da da da da da da da da dah!)
3. What two different types of music are used in Zumba?
4. Name two types of bikes used for competitions and their specific modifications.
5. What is a way to prevent an oil spill, and why are oil spills so deadly to marine birds?
6. The Golden Gate Bridge...man do I love that thing, but seriously, why is it painted red-orange? (Print by Jake Early who played on Ms. Piña's softball team. Cool, eh?)
THIRD...DUE 12:00
1. What are two breeds closely related to the Siberian Husky?
2. What are some different ways hemp can be used?
3. What was the proposition that made same-sex marriage illegal in California?
4. Where was Nikki Sixx born?
5. When would you use wet flies or dry flies?
6. What did Barry Bonds (who played against Ms. Piña's step-dad in high school) say he thought he was taking? Hint: It wasn't steroids.
FOURTH....DUE 12:45
1. Name one side effect of steroid use for both men and women. (One for each!)
2. What are the two different ways to throw a shot-put?
3. How many men can be killed by the venom of a Fierce Snake, and how long do you have to live after receiving the bite?
4. Why wouldn't you want to use metal on a cooking gadget covered in Teflon?
5. What does MADD stand for?
6. Why did "The Family Guy" return to air after being canceled?
SIXTH...DUE 3:30
1. What is one way you can prevent animal cruelty?
2. What was the original intent of mashed-up peanuts? (And not just five minutes: 5:31.2)
3. What are two advantages of being short?
4. Give one "proof"that the moon landing was pure Hollywood special effects.
5. Why should your horse wear a breastplate?
6. Which of these dogs are not considered 'pit bulls' : Dogue de Bourdox, Corso, American Staffordshire Terrier, Tosa.
FIRST: Ashiah, Anna Paige, J-Blanch.
THIRD: Brian, Ramon, Miseal, Courtney, Conner
SIXTH: Mayra J, JAZMIN, Sara, AJ, Alex, Mayra M.
If you were painting your nails today, here's what you missed:
Review of how to send an email.
HWK: Send me an email saying you were absent today.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Happy National Square Root Day!
I hate to do this, but we're having a lot of people go over their time by many minutes. I will give you a five minute warning, but the speech is cut off at seven minutes, finished or not. (Sorry!)
Okay, but now to the real stuff: your homework.
Period One: Email me, epina@tehamaed.org . You have 24 hours, until 10:00AM, Wednesday, 3/4 to email me your answers. In your subject put HWK Period 1, and make sure you identify yourself too.
1. Name a country where goats originated from.
2. Someone tries to sell you some "extra-special" grade one chocolate. Is the guy trying to rip you off or is it a good buy? Explain your answer.
3. What was Greenday's most popular album to date? (In terms of record sales.)
4. What is the name of the basic marching step?
5. Although it seems like it would be cheating, what 'help' can you get from special soccer shoes that is perfectly legal?
6. Name a 'sign' in the movie...(Zakk's favorite movie)
Period Three: Email me, epina@tehamaed.org . You have 24 hours, until 12:30 PM, Wednesday, 3/4 to email your answers. In your subject put HWK Period 3, and make sure you identify yourself too.
1. What 'skill' is David Beckam known for?
2. Why are Easton bats popular bats?
3. How much will the Chivas' new stadium cost to build, and why do they want to move out of their current stadium?
4. What are some alternatives, according to Rocio, to watching television?
5. Why do some students get in trouble for the dress code, and others don't according to Nikki?
6. If Red Bluff were to have a mall, what would be two benefits of that mall?
Period Four: Email me, epina@tehamaed.org . You have 24 hours, until 12:45 PM, Wednesday, 3/4 to email your answers. In your subject put HWK Period 4, and make sure you identify yourself too.
1. Why do our modern-day ninjas wear black?
2. Name two locations you can find an icon.
3. Why do we embalm people?
4. Aside from the people attending college, who also benefits from people going to college?
5. What is the most common wood used in making bats?
6. What is the leader of a wolf pack called?
Period Six: Email me, epina@tehamaed.org . You have 24 hours, until 3:30 PM, Wednesday, 3/4 to email your answers. In your subject put HWK Period 6, and make sure you identify yourself too.
1. Name two easy things you can do to recycle or be more "green".
2. What health product has become 'famous' through the movie Napoleon Dynamite?
3. How do freestyle riders prepare and practice their stunts like a double back-flip?
4. What is one of the requirements to be able to go into a temple?
5. What are the two basic varieties of trees?
6. Why couldn't the people of the Roman era ride their horses?
Period One: Erin, Devin, Priya, Josh, Justin, AJ, Charlie ON DECK: Arlene
Period Three: Heather, Eddie Michael, Katelyn, Tim, Vaugn, Roxy, Zach ON DECK: Brian
Period Four: Benny, Lacey, Zak, Greg, Felicia, Jessica, Victor ON DECK: Sarah
Period Six: Katy, Ian, Dustin, Courtney T, Mayra M, Michael, Kisara ON DECK: Mayra J and Jazmin
If you were washing your hair today, here's what you missed:
Speeches! (They were VERY interesting!)
HWK: See above!
Monday, March 2, 2009
Say Hey, it's Monday!
I would like to remind the remaining students to include a signpost within your speech; without a signpost, I have difficulty ascertaining where your transitions are... Also, make sure your visual aids are part of your speech, and not an afterthought.
And remember, you need to go when you're scheduled to go. You may not give your speech the 'next day' because there are people scheduled to present. This assignment is worth 80 points, so please take it seriously.
Period One:
Phillip, Kayla, Sam, Katy, Zakk, Dani, Erin, Devin, ON DECK: Priya
Period Three:
Mario, Alex, Connor, David, Rosio, Courtney, Nikki, Siria ON DECK: Heather
Period Four:
Cheyene, Cy, Brook, Courtney, Richard, Kenny, Benny, Lacey ON DECK: Zak
Period Six:
Sara B, Cara, Rachel, Ashley, Juanita, Ethan, Alyssia. ON DECK: Ellie and Erik
EXTRA CREDIT email the answers... epina@tehamaed.org Don't forget to include your name/period!
1. Why is a soccer ball black and white?
2. What three basic colors do pigs come in?
3. What two countries have rendering plants for horses?
4. What are some fly-rods made out of?
5. What are two types of paint you can paint with?
6. Why are bows and arrows better than swords?
7. Name a breed of dog that went into the creation of the Australian Cattle Dog.
8. What is the most profitable fundraiser for local Boy Scouts?
Ditching class today? Here's what you missed:
HWK: ZERO (wow!)