Monday, February 23, 2009

Crunch Time!

Look how nice I am! Here is your rubric for your paper due tomorrow. It's worth 200 points.
Please make sure you're comparing the propaganda techniques, and not the actual products. Remember diapers vs. Proactive, doesn't make sense, but plain folk vs. testimonial does.

A. Response to Topic
Writer has identified two mediums where propaganda is used. Writer has also identified the different types of propaganda, and has ultimately made a decision as to which is more effective /35
B. Understanding
Writer has made valid discoveries to the use of propaganda in their selected medium. They have also thoroughly explained how the propaganda is utilized within the medium. /35
C. Paragraph Construction
Each paragraph is properly constructed,
consisting of a topic sentence which
supports the thesis, concrete details
from the text, and commentary
explaining the writer’s thoughts. /35
D. Quality/ Clarity of Thought
The writer thoroughly explains how each propaganda works within the medium. Ideas are complex, yet easy to understand.
Writer has also included a thesis which outlines the paper /35
E. Command of Language
Writer uses choice words to convey
his/her thoughts succinctly and
effectively. /20
F. Grammar
Grammar is correct and does not
interfere with understanding.
No grade killers are present. /20
G. Typed /10
H. Formatted Correctly
Paper is in MLA format. /10

OKAY: And for everyone participating in the speech contest tomorrow, remember:

4-way Test Speech Contest ROOM 316

Topic: The 4-Way Test

Of the things we think, say, or do:

1. Is it the truth? 2. Is it fair to all concerned? 3. Will it build goodwill and better friendship? 4. Will it be beneficial to all concerned.

ARRIVE: 5:30- Instructions

CONTEST: 5:45-Speeches begin

*You are allowed ONE 3X5 note card. Your speech must be within 5-7 minutes! You probably want to dress nicely; clean, no holes, shirts tucked in, etc.

And finally...

If you weren't in class today, you missed:

Review of propaganda essay.

Clarification on essay.

Essay work time.

HWK: Essay due tomorrow!


AshiahD said...

Thank you for posting the grading rubric Ms. Piña! I am actually feeling pretty confident about my essay, but I have one more question. Do you want ads printed from a computer to be printed out any certain way or just big enough that you can clearly see and read them?

Erin said...


Just print it out so I can read it; you don't have put it any specific format.

Charlie said...

THank you sooooo much Ms. Piña for posting the rubric. i got in class today and i lost it. lol I spent all break and all tonight on my essay. I reviewed it over and over and over just for you. I even printed it on pretty paper because i know this was your favarite essay. how awesome am I!!! lol thanx again for everything Ms. Piña and showing up at my meeting after school. I really appreciate everything you do and im honored to have you as a teacher. THANX!!! =D