Thursday, February 26, 2009

Speech Rubric

Hook: /10
Signpost x2: /10
Transitions: /10
Tie-in: /10
Two visual aids: /10
5 minutes: /10

Volume/rate/continuity: /10
Eye contact: /10
Only one 3x5 card allowed, with information on one side only.

You're going to have a quiz tomorrow on the components of speeches!!!! Spread the word!

If you were ditching today, here's what you missed:
Five fun facts about Dobermans
Email grammar: don't let it happen to you.
Sign off on speech outlines.
Work on speeches.
*Special* announcement regarding speeches.. (not due until Monday)
HWK: Have your speech written out to begin practice.
Check out the blog for speech rubric.

More from the email... EC for correcting the following sentence and posting it.
Especially since his face and body looks very much like [the dog] Champion Soquel "Catch the Sun", then again he should since he has the same progeny.


Anonymous said...

Moose's face and body look almost like the Champion Soquel,"Catch the Sun." Moose should look a little like the Champion Soquel because he is a progeny.

Charlie said...

Ms. Piña,
Thanx for the heads up on the quiz. Im going to study tonight.

Moose's face and body look very much like "Catch the Sun", the Champion Soquel. Then agian he should since he they have the same progeny.

AshiahD said...

Well, here it goes!

The dog and the Champion Soquel, named Catch the Sun, have a similar appearing face and body. Then again, the dog's body and face should look similar to the Champion Soquel's due to the fact that they share the same progeny.

Ms. Piña, thank you for extending the due date on our speeches! I am excited about this assignment and cannot wait to speak to the class on Monday.

PhilipGraves said...
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PhilipGraves said...

Moose's face and body looks very much like the Champion Soquel, "Catch the Sun". Then again, he should. After all, he has the same progeny!

THANK YOU SOOOOO MUCH FOR POSTING THE RUBRIC AND EXTENDING THE DUE DATE!!! I'm really looking forward to presenting this on Tuesday. (I won't be in class on Monday)

Zakkattakk77 said...

He looks very much like the Champion Soquel, Catch the Sun, but, then again, he should because they share the same progeny.

AJ said...

I'm 300 miles away from Red Bluff right now, but I'll do anything for extra credit, even if it envolves using a laptop in the Train! So here it goes...

Moose's face and body look very much like the Champion Soquel "Catch the Sun." Then again he should, since they have the same progeny.

Sixth Period

Ms. Piña said...

Now that's dedication AJ!