Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Flu-2, Ms.P-0

Ugh, I'm not there again!  I tried, really, but it was not pretty first period.  Okay, just in case you didn't get, or don't have, or lost, or your dog ate, or your brother shredded, or whatever reason you don't currently hold in your hands chapter 2/3 questions for Night, here they are.  

1.  To what did Wiesel compare the world?
2.  What did Madame Schachter see in her vision?
3.  How did the other people in the car react to Madame Schachter?
4.  Where did the train stop?  (final destination)
5.  What did the Jews in the train car discover when they looked out the window?
6.  When did Wiesel say the travelers left their illusions behind?
7.  Which notorious SS officer did they meet at Auschwitz?
8.  What was Elie's main thought as the men and women were being herded from the train?  

Okay, time for some more rest.  *HOPEFULLY* I'll see you tomorrow.  Oh, and let me know how the Lion's Club lunch went for those of you speaking there...  

By the way, the sub said you guys were fabulous...(not his words, but mine), and I wanted to thank you guys for being your usual fabulous selves!  

Being sick is really dumb.  Wash your hands and cover your mouths so you don't get this bug, okay?  It really stinks.   


Kino - Ken said...

*shivers* I hate being sick. I just got over a cold, and now I have another one. Luckily this one isn't as savvier as the previous one.

I hope you feel better. Take some Zicam if you have any, if not then that isn't good.

Note to everyone who doesn't want to get sick.

TAKE ZICAM! Lest you want to be sick. Even if your not take the darn thing. >.< Sorry for all caps there. ^.^ Hope you get better.

Kayla Freund said...

Hi Ms. Piña,
The lunch was an amazing experiance! I had to go first, andi was sooo nervious. I messed up alot, almost half of mu speach was cut out instead of messing up even more. Good news for me, the girl i tied with for third didn't show up and so i got the full prize instead of half. I'm not trying to sound like a Bi*** but sucks for her. Haha. Wish you could of been there, and hope to see oyu tomarrow!