Friday, March 6, 2009

Friday, Lovely Friday!

Okay, a little TPF today, a little time in the biblioteca, and some time to read good books. Oh, let's not forget the pumping sounds of disco to start your class period off. Now that is a great Friday.

Remember your book must be off the frequently banned books list, and while you're reading these books, try to keep an idea why these books are frequently contested. Your book must also be "grade appropriate", and at least 150 pages in length. Here are two lists compiled by the American Library Association on the 100 most contested books. Interesting to note how many you've already read, eh?


Kino - Ken said...

Ya, I've been sick, sorry.
But one book that caught my eye (Yes i went and looked at the list) was called We all fall down by Robert Cormier.

i hope I can find it once I am done being sick. It doesn't seem to be getting better. x_x

Anonymous said...

Hey Ms. Pina, about the books.....if the school library doesn'have them are we supposed to go to the county library or what? I was just thinking of driving to Barnes and Noble and buying my book. What do you think? Just to tell you as well this morning I was washing dishes like a good girl and I encountered a very sharp knife at the bottom of the sink, so my finger is totally wrapped up! It looks kinda funny but anyways, I have a horse show to get to, hopefully you can reply back to me soon!

This is Courtney Taylor from 6th period....just so you know.

AJ said...

*sigh*, WOW I knew I didn't like reading before, but now I know it even more. The thing is none of the books on the list interest me, and I won't read a book unless its one I'm interested in. HELP!!!
I'm not trying to be negative, but that is the truth, I could do more research to see if there are anymore lists or just do what everyone else is doing and drive to Barnes and Nobles in Chico.

Franticly deciding what to read before going to Mt. Shasta to do some skiing!

Erin said...

Courtney- Yes, I think that's a good idea. Visit the county library if the school library doesn't have one. What book are you interested in? I may have a copy... Just keep me posted if you're able to get it or not. I hope your finger is okay!! (And nothing like a little dust, horse sweat and manure to make a cut heal, right?) Good luck today!

AJ- I think you've found your answer: more research. See what interests you a little bit and go from there. I know you have access to the internet, and has great summaries; that may be a good place to start. The other thing is that there are going to be times when you have to read even if you don't want to. That is just a reality. You'll be doing a lot of reading in college, so here's an opportunity to choose your book, and get a little reading practice in. I know it's not the answer you want to hear, but there you go.

Erin said...

Ken- feel better!

AJ said...

I DID need to hear that awnser. I think of it like driving, people correct you and give you advice, only for you to get better at it. I need to do that with reading, and the more people tell me "Go get a Book" then the more I probaly will.

I do actuly have a good book on mind its called "Fight Club"... banned in China in 1999. I checked all the local libraries Butte, Shasta, Tehama. (We're a member of Butte County Library) but the book is checked out. Due back March 12 in Chico. I just might do buy it, since we will be in Chico today.

Sixth Period

Anonymous said...

Ms.pina i found a book that i really like it is called "Forever" by JUdy Blume but i dont know if it is grade appropriate please let me know.
sincerly brittney andersen

Anonymous said...

Ok Ms. Pina I looked up Beloved and I think I would really like it and I think I'm up for the challenge of reading it! But please let me know if you have it!! And I lost my ID on here thats why I'm posting as anonymous lol I feel like a blonde...

P.S. Courtney Taylor....again

Erin said...

Brittney, Forever is a little too easy for you. Do you have a second option?

Courtney. Yes, I do have a copy. I'll bring it Monday. Let me see if I can find your ID too...

Anonymous said...

Well Ms.Pina i went all the way to redding to get this book and for me it is just right and yes i have another one it is called Go Ask Alice. Is that one ok....

Anonymous said...

Ok thank you Ms. Pina that will help me majorly!!!!

paigen11 said...

Hey Ms. Pina, so I found a book that seems really interesting. It's called Fade by Robert Cormier, I'm pretty sure it's grade appropriate, but currently it's checked out of our school library and I was hoping that I could go to the county library on Monday and bring the book in Tuesday.

Paige Jarvis

Erin said...

Paige, provided it's on one of the two lists I gave you, or another list of frequently contested books, then yes, it's fine.

Brittney, we will talk today...

Anonymous said...

Hey Ms. Pina, the county library didn't have the book I wanted so I'm going to get a book called Ordinary People by Judith Guest.


AshiahD said...

Alright, so I wasn't originally planning on reading Black Like Me, but I have found that it has intrigued me and I am actually itching to do some more reading tonight. At first, I wanted to get We All Fall Down or Fade, both written by Robert Cormier. American Psycho by Bret Easton Ellis also seemed interesting, but due to the fact that the movie was pretty gruesome and the book has been described as more graphic or violent than the film, I did not think that would be a good idea.

Ms. Piña, thank you for letting the class pick their own books from the contested lists. I think it's a nice way to shake things up and give everyone a chance to find an interesting book and learn something valuable that we can apply to our studies as well.

Sorry my comment is really long,

AJ said...

I am having major book issues!...all the books I'm interested in are not even avaliable (they don't have them!) in the local libaries of Tehama and Shasta County. Figures, Tehama County really doesn't have anything anyway.
I'm sending my mom all over tomorrow on a book hunt, So DO NOT Expect me to have a book ready to read tomorrow.
This is a major reason why I hate (reading) books, I can never find the one's I'm interested in!!!!

Sixth Period ~ Not Reading!