Tuesday, March 10, 2009

A Small Lapse...

So I neglected to put up yesterday's blog; I'm sorry. Truthfully I didn't remember until this morning and then at that point I figured I would just wait until today to post. On to Tuesday... We spent time today going over some aspects of the Holocaust. Did you learn anything that surprised you? What was the most shocking statistic that you learned today? Once again, that nasty instigator propaganda has reared its ugly head. Do you think that's that last time we'll see it?

Tomorrow we'll finish up our holocaust information, have a little quiz, and then we begin Night.

If you weren't in class yesterday or today because of the time change, here's what you missed.
SSR book due.
SSR time

Quickwrite on what you know about the Holocaust.
Mini lecture on the Holocaust.
HWK: Read your SSR book.


Charlie said...

Hello Ms. Piña,
Its ok you missed yesterday. =D we forgive you. lol
I didnt relly learn anything new because ive done alot of projects and essays on the holocaust sso i know alot about it. Like i said i didnt really learn anything new, but i think the amount of people who died is alot and scary and i cant believ that some people think it didnt happan! I think those people are irratating and are a bunch of...boogers. >=[
I also believe we will be seeing propaganda again because its EVERYWERE!!! DUN DUN DUN DUN!!!

AshiahD said...

Believe it or not, I did not know that twelve million people died and 6 million were Jewish, as well as that being one-third of the Jewish population worldwide. You think I would know all this stuff because I have had to study it every year since I was ten. As for propaganda? I know it is not the last time we will see it being used. It is used today and is still as effective so why would companies/groups/organizations/etc. change? That's right, they wouldn't.

Ugh, isn't genocide a terrible thing? I have a feeling things are about to get very depressing...

Yet another long comment,

Erin said...

I'm glad you guys are so informed. Ashiah, never apologize for long comments; writing mirrors thoughts which, as we know, sometimes can be quick, sometimes not so much. (Plus, I like reading EVERYONE'S thoughts on here!)

Yep, our second semester is a little harsh, but we'll get through it together.

AJ said...

Yes, I finally got a book to read. Its called Give a Boy a Gun. After days of searching for it, it came in.
For the holocaust, I knew a lot of Jewish people died but I didn't know that other religions (like Christian) were involved. But 12 Million people is a lot, and people who do that kind of stuff deserve to die themselves (luckily he did). Yes, I do think it really happened Proof: "The diary of Anne Frank" writted by herself in her own diary.
BTW, you did say Propaganda will be back! And what do ya know, here it is.

Sixth Period

Kayla Freund said...

Ms. Piña, I am absolutly loving the change you have made from the first semester. It's like you were preparing us for something harsher, the truth. Although it is a tragic event, i personally love the holocaust. All because i personally have very close connections with some people who were involved. I don't love the holocaust because of it's harshness and everything that actually happened, but because of what we have learned from it, and how some one person had persuaded the majority of a country to do one thing.
Propaganda will never leave us, its like our shadow moves around you all the time, but never goes away it's either smaller or hideing.
I personally am really looking forward to this book.
(sorry for any grammer or spelling errors)