Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Holly Smokes...

Did we blaze through Animal Farm or what?  Okay, simple text, double plot.  So a couple of things still to ponder though:
        First, why didn't Benjamin take action?  I mean, he's smart enough to understand what is going on with the farm, and he's best friends with the strongest guy on the place, Boxer, so why didn't he act?  I don't know about you, but that bugs me.  
    Second, what is Orwell saying about the intelligence of people?  
    Third, this is a satire, so what is it satirizing?  

Okay Advanced Compers, we're back on the blog bandwagon.  
Start gathering your favorite advertisements found in your paper media...(Like magazines or newspapers...)  
And remember: All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.  Which category to you fall into?  Equal or more equal?

Today in Advanced Comp:
Discussion of CH 7-9 (poor Boxer)
Read CH 10 w/discussion
Ch 8-10 quiz.


Anonymous said...

I think Orwell is saying that people aren't very intellegent and will fall for anything if it sounds good. #22279

Supersonic789 said...

Sucks boxer dies he was the best. I don't know why he didn't take action maybe he didn't think he could last long against the pigs and even with Boxer on his side his will was easily changed. What I thought Orwell was saying about the human intelligence was that sometimes we can be Lemmings and follow anything the leader says. And Finally the grand finally the satire is that we can all be pigs! I'm glad the blog's back up and running it can be pretty intense at times. I can be a flexible person one minute I can be following the pack or leading it. Usually though I am the equal while others become more than equal.