Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Act Three- Comedy Central

Some memorable quotes from your plays..

Antony: "Pa-shaw, Caesar's my favorite."
Antony: "If I were Brutus, and he were me, he'd have you mutiny......I'm just putting it out there."
Antony: "He lies there dead because of Brutus' honorableness."
Cinna The Poet: "The rain...in....SPAIN yeah!"
Brutus: "Friends, Romans, Lovers, G's..."
Caesar: "Caesar says et tu Brute? Then Caesar says, Caesar dies."
Caesar: "Tis merely a flesh wound!"
Plebians: "Read us the will!"
Antony: "No"
Plebeians" The will!"
Antony: "I can't."
Plebeians" The will!"
Antony: "Okay!"
Questions from Act 4 scenes 1/2
1. Whom does Antony also include in 'death list'?
2. In four words (a list), describe Antony in Acts 1,2,3 &4. (Like for Caesar, I'd say 1.arrogant 2. clueless, and 3. dead)
3. pg 836 l.18
4. Why would Brutus want to converse with Cassius away from the troops?


Anonymous said...

Antony-"And the will, same as I have noted a little while ago."

Erin said...

Antony: Caesar gave you money and land because he can make it rain!

(or is it reign?)