Thursday, May 28, 2009

Uh, it *is* a Tragedy...

1. 860 l.8
2. What does Cassius have Titinius do?
3. What 'report' does Pindarus give Cassius? What do we learn is the reality?
4. How does Cassius die?
5. After Cassius dies, what does Pindarus do?
6. Why does Titinius die, and by whose sword does he do so?
7. Whom does Lucilius say he is and why do you think he does this?
8. How does Antony treat Lucilius?
9. Whom does Brutus ask to kill him? What are their responses?
10. Why does Brutus decide to take his own life?
11. Why does Antony refer to Brutus as 'the most noble Roman of them all"?

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