Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Hey Guys!

I'm already on my THIRD week of teaching. Could you imagine going to school in JULY?!?!? UGH!!! This teacher is having a hard time with it!

Anyway, hope this email finds you well!

my email:


Good luck this year, and kick some butt!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Once a Spartan, Always a Spartan...

It's kind of crazy to get your head around the fact this year is essentially done. It seem just like yesterday, you guys came swaggering into my class, feelin' like you were all that and a bag of chips, relieved you were no longer at the bottom of the social food chain. My my, how far you've come, and yet, is that a swagger I've seen return to your strides as you realize you're about to transition into *gasp* upperclassmen? Nah.

Well, this time of year always leaves me with mixed emotions; on one hand I'm overjoyed about the prospect of sleeping in past five thirty, and yet on the other, it's a time of good-byes, and this year especially so. Teaching at Red Bluff has been an adventure to say the least, but I will admit, this year has been my best year I've ever had in my seven years of doing this gig. I know it's because I had a stellar group of students: you. Thank you for making this year rock. Take any time you had fun in this class, (and I know for some, that number would be zero), and multiply it by 1,000, and that's how much fun I've had teaching you guys. It's been an amazing year for me, and hopefully, along the way somewhere, you've learned a thing or two.

Well kiddos, I sign off. No, I'm not going to post the new school's blog so you can have an opportunity to strut your vast superiority of knowledge in English and make the underclassmen, in another city no less, shake in their boots. Let's be honest, you would have hated that too. BUT, I will post my new email addy so you can keep in touch should you choose. Continue being B.As and send me your college pennants so I can proudly display them in my classroom. I leave you with Caesar's ambition, Brutus' honor, Ellie's courage, Napoleon's cleverness, Paul's honesty, Antonio's introspection, and Montag's eternal quest for knowledge.

Piña out.

Monday, June 1, 2009

It's my Grandma's birthday, what did you bring her?

Hey, we took the final test for Caesar today! Whoo-hoo! It was out of 123 points, and many, many, many of you just absolutely ROCKED IT! Good job! Let's gear up for the third and final portion of our trinal.

Friday, May 29, 2009


If you missed class today, just to let you know, we corrected your homework and then you got a study guide! I cannot recommend emphatically enough to make sure you understand all of the questions, and can answer them.

I haven't yet decided if I'm going to allow the study guide OR the play for your final, so best to be prepared for either situation.

There are far too many questions for me to put on here, so alas, you're going to have to utilize your friends as resources.

Enjoy your weekend!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Uh, it *is* a Tragedy...

1. 860 l.8
2. What does Cassius have Titinius do?
3. What 'report' does Pindarus give Cassius? What do we learn is the reality?
4. How does Cassius die?
5. After Cassius dies, what does Pindarus do?
6. Why does Titinius die, and by whose sword does he do so?
7. Whom does Lucilius say he is and why do you think he does this?
8. How does Antony treat Lucilius?
9. Whom does Brutus ask to kill him? What are their responses?
10. Why does Brutus decide to take his own life?
11. Why does Antony refer to Brutus as 'the most noble Roman of them all"?

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Game Plan:

Tomorrow we will hear soliloquies from individuals who were absent. We will then correct act 5.1 &5.2. (I know fourth period has already done this...)

Then we will finish act five, and of course answer some questions.

Study guide for our final test on Caesar! Whoo-hoo!
Friday we'll correct the homework, and then work on the study guide.

Monday- we'll take the test.

Nice job today guys! I know Shakespeare is difficult, and memorizing portions of a play and reciting it in front of your peers is challenging. Kudos to you, you vile bondmen, peevish schoolboys, and lover of words.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

In the Home Stretch!

So we start Act Five! Yeay! Watch out now, this act moves very quickly! Today we read 5.1 and 5.2. Here are you questions:

1. 854. l.20
2. 855. l.47
3. 857. l.62 and Who is the masker and reveler?
4. l.70-88 What 'omen' makes Cassius concerned about the battle today?
5. 859. l.107 and 109
6. What preparations do Cassius and Brutus make with each other?
(5.2) 7. What orders does Brutus give his army and why?


Thursday, May 21, 2009

Drama in Art....

Drama Illustration.
For the first illustration, I’d like for you to illustrate any dramatic moment from Act 4. Also include quotes that encapsulates that dramatic moment.

Dramatic Elements:
On one half of your paper, I’d like for you to illustrate a metaphor or simile you can find in Act four. Make sure you write the metaphor/simile down on your illustration.

On the other half of your paper, I’d like for you to pick a dramatic element, and then find an example of the element within the play. Illustrate that dramatic element, and then write the quote containing the dramatic element somewhere on the illustration.
And for reference or for laughs, here's my stick Roman. Photo by Nikki, third period.
And a small note: I call assignments like these "Point Builders" primarily in that they're not too difficult to complete provided you take the time to look for the the elements within the text. Help yourself out, boost your grade by completing this and all remaining assignments to the best of your ability. And if you have questions, don't forget to post here as they come straight to my email...
PS- Zak's vastly superior new-and-improved stick Roman remains on my whiteboard. Check him out.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


1. In scene three, why is Brutus very angry with Cassius?
2. How would you describe the relationship between Cassius and Brutus at the beginning of scene three?
3. What has Brutus accused Cassius of?
4. l.36, What threat is Cassius making to Brutus?
5. l.57. What did Cassius say to Brutus?
6. l.91 What does the dialogue between Brutus and Cassius reveal about their characters and feelings?
7. l.136. What is the point of this scene with the poet? (Shakespeare himself was a ‘jigging fool’)
8. l.144 How might Brutus deliver his next shocking line? What news does he reveal to the audience? Why does Portia do this?
9. l.145-160 Whom in this scene appears more emotional over this news?
10. l.179 An odd scene takes place where Brutus appears to have gotten ‘old news’ for the first time. There are many speculations as to why this scene has been added in. If you think about the importance of perception between soldiers and their leaders, can you come to an alternative reason as to why Shakespeare included this second scene intentionally?

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Act Three- Comedy Central

Some memorable quotes from your plays..

Antony: "Pa-shaw, Caesar's my favorite."
Antony: "If I were Brutus, and he were me, he'd have you mutiny......I'm just putting it out there."
Antony: "He lies there dead because of Brutus' honorableness."
Cinna The Poet: "The rain...in....SPAIN yeah!"
Brutus: "Friends, Romans, Lovers, G's..."
Caesar: "Caesar says et tu Brute? Then Caesar says, Caesar dies."
Caesar: "Tis merely a flesh wound!"
Plebians: "Read us the will!"
Antony: "No"
Plebeians" The will!"
Antony: "I can't."
Plebeians" The will!"
Antony: "Okay!"
Questions from Act 4 scenes 1/2
1. Whom does Antony also include in 'death list'?
2. In four words (a list), describe Antony in Acts 1,2,3 &4. (Like for Caesar, I'd say 1.arrogant 2. clueless, and 3. dead)
3. pg 836 l.18
4. Why would Brutus want to converse with Cassius away from the troops?

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Holy Smokes! Who IS this Antony?

Act3.2; you have to love it. There should be a law saying that you must love J.C.3.2. Okay, maybe not, and I can just hear you guys saying, (in high-pitched whiny voices I always use to quote you) "I don't love Caesar, I hate it! So there! Wah-wah-wah..."

How can you beat the speeches at Caesar's funeral? Brutus is wonderful at explaining why they killed Caesar. (Whose speech do we not get to hear, however?) But Antony pretty much kicks butt on the whole speech thing...

But who is this new Antony? Antony ..."That revels long-a-nights,.." ? Antony, "When Caesar says "Do this," it is performed."? Antony "For he can do no more than Caesar's arm/When Caesar's head is off."? What happened to this partying, if Caesar says jump, you ask how high, I can't think for myself without Caesar- Antony? That guy is gone. I mean, gone, gone. We get brand-spankin' new Antony, all shiny with rhetoric and revenge... I think the conspirators made a little blunder on that one, don't you?

JC 3.2

1. What reasons does Brutus give for killing Caesar?
2. How are Brutus’ rhetorical questions (l.28-33) an effective use of semantics to persuade the Romans in believing his reasons were just? (Why doesn’t anyone speak up?)
3. After Brutus is done speaking, how does the crowd react to him?
4. What are Antony’s examples of Caesar’s “ambition”?
5. As Antony repeats the line, “And Brutus is an honorable man”, what happens to the tone in which he says it? What happens to Brutus’ and the conspirator’s honor?
6. On l.105, Antony says, “Bear with me:
My heart is in the coffin there with Caesar
And I must pause till it come back to me.
What do you think Antony is doing on stage? How would he say these lines, and how would the actor be positioned?
7. What does Antony use to get and maintain the Romans’ attention? Why do you think he doesn’t read it right away? What is one of Antony’s reasons for not reading it right away?

8. What irony can you find in these lines spoken by Antony:

216 I come not, friends, to steal away your hearts;
I am no orator, as Brutus is……
221 For I have neither writ, nor words, nor worth,
Action, no utterance, nor the power of speech
To stir men’s blood; I only speak right on.
9. According to Antony, what has Caesar willed to the people of Rome?
10. If not the wounds that have killed Caesar, then what did according to Antony? (l. 165-197)
11. Does Antony intend to make the people munity? How do you know? (Give me a specific line at the end of this scene.)

l.43..."....With this I depart, that, as I slew
my best lover for the good of Rome, I have the same
dagger for myself, when it shall please my country to
need my death"

How is Brutus' monologue written differently when compared to Antony's monologue?
What essentially is Brutus saying here?

Monday, May 11, 2009

Don't Lie, You're Maybe Liking Caesar a Little Bit...

SO much better than R&J, no? Okay so we're on 3.1, and wow, Caesar is killed. The plot thickens!

Here are your questions from today:
1. In l. 58-73, Caesar compares himself to something. Why is this comparison 'proof' Caesar will not change his mind?
2. What is the last thing Caesar sees as he dies? What tone can you detect in his last words? Explain.

3. In order to prevent chaos, what do the conspirators want to do?

4. In l. 123-137, Antony asks something of Brutus; what is it?

*5. Antony finally speaks in l. 148-163. What is he saying here? What difference do you detect in Antony when compared to the Antony in former acts?

6. What are the conditions in which Brutus is allowing Antony to speak at Caesar's funeral? Who disagrees with this rationale and why?

*7. What does Antony reveal in his soliloquy?

8. Who is Octavius, and what is his 'role' in Antony's plan? (Why does this guy matter?)

You missed reading 3.1 today, and your questions. Your only homework is to finish these questions.
EC opportunity!
l. 111, Cassius says:
Stoop then, and wash. How many ages hence
Shall this our lofty scene be acted over
In states unborn and accents yet unknown!

What is ironic about these lines?

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The Week of Really Important Stuff...

Okay, so we're STAR testing this week, (Sweet!), and that means you're given an opportunity to show those people in Sacramento your plethora of English knowledge. Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday will be dedicated to that endeavor. Rock on students!

Thursday is Chemistry Affair, so many of you will be busy with that.

Friday we have a really cool opportunity where the entire Sophomore class will watch Schindler's List, a movie about the Holocaust. Please remember to have your parent/guardian sign a release slip and turn it into me. I'm sure you have already had them sign for World Civ., but I'd like one too. You know, so I know for sure you're not trying to skirt the system.

Eat a good breakfast. Don't stay up late playing your Atari, and rock these important, albeit long and boring, tests.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Spring Fever? You Betcha!

So a reminder for things due for the remainder of this week. Wait, is it bad to talk about the the end of the week when it's only Monday? Oh well.

Tuesday we're going to have a point-building opportunity for everyone in the form of a cumulative open-book Night test.
Wednesday we're going to work on some test prep, specifically the things everyone had difficulty last time we did TPT. Remember STAR testing happens the week we return from break, and I want you all to do well.
Thursday I am reserving for those of you choosing to do performance pieces for your SSR or MySpace pages so we can all look at each other's projects.

Friday-sleep-in-city! Spring Break!

Here were the questions from today...
Answer the following questions in depth and to the best of your ability.

How did you feel about your experience in Socratic seminar? Did you enjoy it? Why or why not? What was the most interesting part of the seminar for you? What was the most frustrating part? What did you learn?

You started the seminar by answering some questions. Your views and opinions may have shifted after your seminar, maybe only slightly, but shifted nonetheless because of the conversation you had in your seminar. . Pick one of the questions on which your opinion has shifted the most dramatically, and re-answer that question. Please be sure to explain how your opinion has shifted and why.

Consider the readings we’ve done for this particular unit: Night, Leon Bass and Wiesel’s dedication speech. Also reflect upon the conversations we’ve had as a class, and the discussions brought up by the seminar. What, if anything, are you taking away from this unit? Honestly now, have you changed your opinions, views or actions? Why or why not?

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Socratic Seminars: Pretty Much Rock.

I hope you're enjoying listening, participating, and thinking about the questions being discussed today during Socratic seminar. I still contend that the most difficult part, especially being a teacher, is not wanting to throw someone out of a desk to say your own opinion. BUT, Socratic seminars also teach us a skill equally as valuable as being able to articulate your thoughts: to listen.

I'm sure you find yourself composing answers to questions posed in the group, unable to participate, but then find those same answers shifting as you listen to other people's ideas...

Okay, round two tomorrow.

Until then: Happy Thursday.

If you weren't here today, you missed fabulous discussion, interesting conversation, and the opportunity to watch your peers tackle really difficult questions. No worries though, more of the same tomorrow.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

A Shift in Tone...

Surely you've been able to discern a shift in the movie's tone today. Why do you feel that shift? What are some ways the producer created that shift?

Predictions: What is going to happen?

More questions to come later....(and I hope the movie is working!)

Monday, March 30, 2009


So I hope you are enjoying Life is Beautiful. I know I really enjoy this movie. Don't forget, it might not be bad idea to be taking some notes as we'll be talking specifically about this movie in our Socratic seminar at the end of this week.

I won't be there tomorrow, so computer people, I hope you can bring your skills.

See you all on Wednesday!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Snazzy SSR projects, straight from your brains!

So here are the projects your class brainstormed. You may choose to do one of the projects from your period only. Remember, it is critical that your project contain an writing portion that addresses why your book is frequently contested, and you opinion on whether or not it ought to be. DUE APRIL 9th!

Period One
1. Puppet show, with script.
2. Make a Myspace page for your main character. (About me write about your character, and in the book part write why it was banned.)
3. A letter written to the American Library Association explaining why it should or should not be banned.
4. Create a product that applies to your character.
5. Find a song that describes or relates to why your book was banned.

Period Three
1. Make a movie with script.
2. Book cover with details inside that explain why it’s contested and include your opinion.
3. Travel pamphlet explaining why you should read the book and why it’s banned and what you think about it.
4. Short story in first person written by a secondary character.
5. Write a song, sing a song.

Period Four
1. Essay (your opinion on why it was contested and then your opinion on whether or not it ought to be contested..)
2. Scrap book including written requirements. Pictures with captions.
3. Make a board game about your book, and as play the game, the game reveals what the book is about. Make a list of rules for the game, and how each part relates to your book and why it was contested.
4. Write a letter to a local library from the point of view from an angry parent wanting to ban this book./ or a parent who wants the book to not be banned.
5. Design a shoe (or another product) that relates to the novel with an explanation.

Period SIX
1. Power point/slide show thing.
2. Art with explanation.
3. Myspace page.
4. Shadow puppets with script.
5. A normal essay, explaining why the book is contested, and then explain your opinion on whether or not it ought to be.

Thought provoking questions...(Oh no! We can't think!)
According the Wiesel, what would you say is the most important aspect of the museum?
Who is at fault for the holocaust?
What do the words engraved on the museum mean?
What is the challenge Bass puts forward to all people?
Is what he is asking too much?

Getting cavities filled today? Here's what you missed:
1. Brainstorming of SSR projects.
2. Correction of last chapters of Night.
3. Wiesel and Bass remarks...
HWK: Finish Bass remarks if you didn't in class. Look at the blog for questions regarding both readings. Be prepared to discuss tomorrow.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Why do I feel like it's Wednesday?

So I told 'someone' the questions were going to be on the blog.  I lied.  Actually, that's a lie, I didn't lie, I plain forgot to bring them home with me... Grrr!  My brain is STILL fried from being sick!  Anyhow, a bit of time tomorrow to complete those at the beginning of the period.  

So today, if you were ill, here's what you missed:
Corrected CH 6 Night questions.
Finished the novel.
Answered questions...
Be ready for lots of reading, discussion and deep thoughts for the next couple of days...   
Crazy how we 'get started' once the book is done, isn't it?  

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Thursday... Yipee!

Were you as shocked as I was when Elie and his father could have been saved had they stayed in camp? I remember feeling so crushed when I first read that. But if I were in their shoes, I doubt I would have the ability to believe I was going to make it out of the hospital alive. Still though, doesn't it kind of break your heart to know their troubles would have ended?

Section five focuses around Elie's faith, and the faith of the other prisoners. How much longer do you think these men can survive on faith alone? What does the future have in store for Elie and his father?

If you were a mucus-face today, (and thank you for staying home!), here's what you missed:
Quick write about Elie's anger towards god, and faith.
Finished section five.
Section five quiz.
No homework..AGAIN! WOW! (I know, you guys like it when I'm sick!)

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Some thoughts about chapter five....

Isn't it interesting the shift from Elie's faith at the beginning of the book to his faith now? Clearly he's very angry at his God, but he still believes. How do you know he still believes? What happens when a prisoner loses his faith? What is the connection there? What do you think Elie's faith will look like once he leaves the concentration camp?

If the flu got you too, here's what you missed:
Crazy correction day
-Ch 2/3
-Ch 4
Began chapter five

Hef's birthday. He's one...the little handsome dude...

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Flu-2, Ms.P-0

Ugh, I'm not there again!  I tried, really, but it was not pretty first period.  Okay, just in case you didn't get, or don't have, or lost, or your dog ate, or your brother shredded, or whatever reason you don't currently hold in your hands chapter 2/3 questions for Night, here they are.  

1.  To what did Wiesel compare the world?
2.  What did Madame Schachter see in her vision?
3.  How did the other people in the car react to Madame Schachter?
4.  Where did the train stop?  (final destination)
5.  What did the Jews in the train car discover when they looked out the window?
6.  When did Wiesel say the travelers left their illusions behind?
7.  Which notorious SS officer did they meet at Auschwitz?
8.  What was Elie's main thought as the men and women were being herded from the train?  

Okay, time for some more rest.  *HOPEFULLY* I'll see you tomorrow.  Oh, and let me know how the Lion's Club lunch went for those of you speaking there...  

By the way, the sub said you guys were fabulous...(not his words, but mine), and I wanted to thank you guys for being your usual fabulous selves!  

Being sick is really dumb.  Wash your hands and cover your mouths so you don't get this bug, okay?  It really stinks.   

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Monday....Your Teacher is SICK!

Sharing is NOT caring, so please keep your germies to yourself!  Okay, I'm obviously not there today, so hopefully you finished your ch 2/3 questions and then read chapter 4 with a page of notes.  
No homework tonight...
Hopefully I'll be back tomorrow.

'Till then...

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

A Small Lapse...

So I neglected to put up yesterday's blog; I'm sorry. Truthfully I didn't remember until this morning and then at that point I figured I would just wait until today to post. On to Tuesday... We spent time today going over some aspects of the Holocaust. Did you learn anything that surprised you? What was the most shocking statistic that you learned today? Once again, that nasty instigator propaganda has reared its ugly head. Do you think that's that last time we'll see it?

Tomorrow we'll finish up our holocaust information, have a little quiz, and then we begin Night.

If you weren't in class yesterday or today because of the time change, here's what you missed.
SSR book due.
SSR time

Quickwrite on what you know about the Holocaust.
Mini lecture on the Holocaust.
HWK: Read your SSR book.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Friday, Lovely Friday!

Okay, a little TPF today, a little time in the biblioteca, and some time to read good books. Oh, let's not forget the pumping sounds of disco to start your class period off. Now that is a great Friday.

Remember your book must be off the frequently banned books list, and while you're reading these books, try to keep an idea why these books are frequently contested. Your book must also be "grade appropriate", and at least 150 pages in length. Here are two lists compiled by the American Library Association on the 100 most contested books. Interesting to note how many you've already read, eh?


Thursday, March 5, 2009

Classroom Full of Surprises...

I don't know about you, but I have been continually impressed by your interests and unpublicized talents. What a well-rounded bunch of individuals!

You know how to do this... epina@tehamaed.org
1. Why was the Nestle company sued over Hot Pockets?
2. What is the average number of cases of children with autism?
3. What are two ways you can take care of your voice?
4. What are some physical problems associated with high heels?
5. What i one benefit of running track?
6. Where does the power and speed from a softball pitch derive from?
7. Why would juggling bean-bags be easier than juggling ping-pong balls?

1. What is Manga, and what is unusual about the way you read it?
2. What is the intent of the LHC?
3. What are are two differences between softball and baseball?

1. What are some symptoms of depression?

1 List two ways to get a red card.
2. What is a way to gain admittance to college?
3. What species of fish are potentially threatened by the Red Bluff dam?
4. What is one pro and one con of lowing the drinking age?
5. What are the snazzy decorated trains called?
6. What happens if you substitute tub butter for stick butter?
7. When will computers become smarter than humans?

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Wednesday. It's only Wednesday.

Okay, same drill as last night. epina@tehamaed.org PLEASE put HWK PER (fill in blank)(Your Name) in your subject. Thanks!


1. Name two ways to prevent skin cancer, and identify a specific type of skin cancer.
2. What is a piece of protective gear you can wear while practicing kung-fu fighting. (They are fast as lightning... Huh! da da da da da da da da dah!)
3. What two different types of music are used in Zumba?
4. Name two types of bikes used for competitions and their specific modifications.
5. What is a way to prevent an oil spill, and why are oil spills so deadly to marine birds?
6. The Golden Gate Bridge...man do I love that thing, but seriously, why is it painted red-orange? (Print by Jake Early who played on Ms. Piña's softball team. Cool, eh?)

THIRD...DUE 12:00
1. What are two breeds closely related to the Siberian Husky?
2. What are some different ways hemp can be used?
3. What was the proposition that made same-sex marriage illegal in California?
4. Where was Nikki Sixx born?
5. When would you use wet flies or dry flies?
6. What did Barry Bonds (who played against Ms. Piña's step-dad in high school) say he thought he was taking? Hint: It wasn't steroids.

FOURTH....DUE 12:45
1. Name one side effect of steroid use for both men and women. (One for each!)
2. What are the two different ways to throw a shot-put?
3. How many men can be killed by the venom of a Fierce Snake, and how long do you have to live after receiving the bite?
4. Why wouldn't you want to use metal on a cooking gadget covered in Teflon?
5. What does MADD stand for?
6. Why did "The Family Guy" return to air after being canceled?
SIXTH...DUE 3:30
1. What is one way you can prevent animal cruelty?
2. What was the original intent of mashed-up peanuts? (And not just five minutes: 5:31.2)
3. What are two advantages of being short?
4. Give one "proof"that the moon landing was pure Hollywood special effects.
5. Why should your horse wear a breastplate?
6. Which of these dogs are not considered 'pit bulls' : Dogue de Bourdox, Corso, American Staffordshire Terrier, Tosa.

FIRST: Ashiah, Anna Paige, J-Blanch.
THIRD: Brian, Ramon, Miseal, Courtney, Conner
SIXTH: Mayra J, JAZMIN, Sara, AJ, Alex, Mayra M.

If you were painting your nails today, here's what you missed:
Review of how to send an email.
HWK: Send me an email saying you were absent today.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Happy National Square Root Day!

Because it's 3/3/09! Not too shabby math skills for your English teacher, now is it? First I'd like to mention your mad researching skills. I posted eight questions as they pertained to the speeches given in their respective classes. Little did I expect you guys to go online to find the answers for the other classes' questions. You guys are so bright! Extra credit all around!

I hate to do this, but we're having a lot of people go over their time by many minutes. I will give you a five minute warning, but the speech is cut off at seven minutes, finished or not. (Sorry!)

Okay, but now to the real stuff: your homework.

Period One: Email me, epina@tehamaed.org . You have 24 hours, until 10:00AM, Wednesday, 3/4 to email me your answers. In your subject put HWK Period 1, and make sure you identify yourself too.
1. Name a country where goats originated from.
2. Someone tries to sell you some "extra-special" grade one chocolate. Is the guy trying to rip you off or is it a good buy? Explain your answer.
3. What was Greenday's most popular album to date? (In terms of record sales.)
4. What is the name of the basic marching step?
5. Although it seems like it would be cheating, what 'help' can you get from special soccer shoes that is perfectly legal?
6. Name a 'sign' in the movie...(Zakk's favorite movie)

Period Three: Email me, epina@tehamaed.org . You have 24 hours, until 12:30 PM, Wednesday, 3/4 to email your answers. In your subject put HWK Period 3, and make sure you identify yourself too.
1. What 'skill' is David Beckam known for?
2. Why are Easton bats popular bats?
3. How much will the Chivas' new stadium cost to build, and why do they want to move out of their current stadium?
4. What are some alternatives, according to Rocio, to watching television?
5. Why do some students get in trouble for the dress code, and others don't according to Nikki?
6. If Red Bluff were to have a mall, what would be two benefits of that mall?

Period Four: Email me, epina@tehamaed.org . You have 24 hours, until 12:45 PM, Wednesday, 3/4 to email your answers. In your subject put HWK Period 4, and make sure you identify yourself too.
1. Why do our modern-day ninjas wear black?
2. Name two locations you can find an icon.
3. Why do we embalm people?
4. Aside from the people attending college, who also benefits from people going to college?
5. What is the most common wood used in making bats?
6. What is the leader of a wolf pack called?

Period Six: Email me, epina@tehamaed.org . You have 24 hours, until 3:30 PM, Wednesday, 3/4 to email your answers. In your subject put HWK Period 6, and make sure you identify yourself too.
1. Name two easy things you can do to recycle or be more "green".
2. What health product has become 'famous' through the movie Napoleon Dynamite?
3. How do freestyle riders prepare and practice their stunts like a double back-flip?
4. What is one of the requirements to be able to go into a temple?
5. What are the two basic varieties of trees?
6. Why couldn't the people of the Roman era ride their horses?

Period One: Erin, Devin, Priya, Josh, Justin, AJ, Charlie ON DECK: Arlene
Period Three: Heather, Eddie Michael, Katelyn, Tim, Vaugn, Roxy, Zach ON DECK: Brian
Period Four: Benny, Lacey, Zak, Greg, Felicia, Jessica, Victor ON DECK: Sarah
Period Six: Katy, Ian, Dustin, Courtney T, Mayra M, Michael, Kisara ON DECK: Mayra J and Jazmin

If you were washing your hair today, here's what you missed:
Speeches! (They were VERY interesting!)
HWK: See above!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Say Hey, it's Monday!

And ten points in my heart if you can tell me who the Say Hey Kid is. Today was a great first round of speeches. I see you've picked topics that you're interested in, and you have prepared well. Will anyone look at a Twinkie the same way? Can you visualize a place where everyone is nice? Or what about meeting a teacher and saying, "What's up Big Daddy?", or understanding what the First Amendment says. Good job, ladies and gentlemen. Good job.

I would like to remind the remaining students to include a signpost within your speech; without a signpost, I have difficulty ascertaining where your transitions are... Also, make sure your visual aids are part of your speech, and not an afterthought.

And remember, you need to go when you're scheduled to go. You may not give your speech the 'next day' because there are people scheduled to present. This assignment is worth 80 points, so please take it seriously.

Period One:
Phillip, Kayla, Sam, Katy, Zakk, Dani, Erin, Devin, ON DECK: Priya

Period Three:
Mario, Alex, Connor, David, Rosio, Courtney, Nikki, Siria ON DECK: Heather

Period Four:
Cheyene, Cy, Brook, Courtney, Richard, Kenny, Benny, Lacey ON DECK: Zak

Period Six:
Sara B, Cara, Rachel, Ashley, Juanita, Ethan, Alyssia. ON DECK: Ellie and Erik

EXTRA CREDIT email the answers... epina@tehamaed.org Don't forget to include your name/period!
1. Why is a soccer ball black and white?
2. What three basic colors do pigs come in?
3. What two countries have rendering plants for horses?
4. What are some fly-rods made out of?
5. What are two types of paint you can paint with?
6. Why are bows and arrows better than swords?
7. Name a breed of dog that went into the creation of the Australian Cattle Dog.
8. What is the most profitable fundraiser for local Boy Scouts?

Ditching class today? Here's what you missed:
HWK: ZERO (wow!)

Friday, February 27, 2009

Speak Your Mind!

If you were one of the lucky students to have their name drawn to go on Monday, please come prepared, and ready to 'inform' your classmates. Don't forget to view the rubric down below.

Period One: Megan, Gerald, Jay, Cody, Marissa, Anna ON DECK: Phillip

Perod Three: Jessie, Josh, Haley, Austin, Kyle, Misael ON DECK: Mario

Period Four: Courtney B, Diamond, Sarah, Catona, Whitney, Emily ON DECK: Cheyene

Period Six: Tim, Cory, Alex F, Alex G, Charlie, Brittney ON DECK: Trey

If you were off on vacation today, here's what you missed:
Pass back quiz and Work Record from yesterday.
Sign off on written-out speech.
Work on speeches.
HWK: Those who are going on Monday need to be ready to present on Monday.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Speech Rubric

Hook: /10
Signpost x2: /10
Transitions: /10
Tie-in: /10
Two visual aids: /10
5 minutes: /10

Volume/rate/continuity: /10
Eye contact: /10
Only one 3x5 card allowed, with information on one side only.

You're going to have a quiz tomorrow on the components of speeches!!!! Spread the word!

If you were ditching today, here's what you missed:
Five fun facts about Dobermans
Email grammar: don't let it happen to you.
Sign off on speech outlines.
Work on speeches.
*Special* announcement regarding speeches.. (not due until Monday)
HWK: Have your speech written out to begin practice.
Check out the blog for speech rubric.

More from the email... EC for correcting the following sentence and posting it.
Especially since his face and body looks very much like [the dog] Champion Soquel "Catch the Sun", then again he should since he has the same progeny.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Speech Thoughts...

There were some interesting arguments put forward by Miss Casa today which has made me rethink Friday's due date.  Outlines are still due tomorrow, but I may, and I mean *may* push your start date to Monday.  Now don't all start whining, or pleading, you know that gets you nowhere...  Let's see what tomorrow's outlines bring...  Make sure you can define the words hook, signpost, transition and tie-in.  

Look what I found at the gym today...

If you were washing your hair today, here's what you missed:
Sign-off on speech topics.
Discussion of visual aids/speakers.
Ms. Piña's speech demonstration.
HWK: speech outline due.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


HUGE CONGRATULATIONS to the following students who participated in the Rotary Club speech contest!  
YOU GUYS ARE GREAT!!!  WAY TO TAKE A RISK!!!  I am SO impressed!

A Moment to Rest...

...and breathe a bit before we start our next novel. KUDOS to you for turning in your propaganda essays! But of course we can't simply hang out, doing nothing. We must continue working our brains!

So today we learned some important vocabulary regarding speeches. You ought to be able to define: signpost, transitions, hook, conclusion and tie-in.

You should also be brainstorming some topics on which you can speak for five minutes. Remember that it should be something you're interested in, not something you think I'll like. (Well, if you want to discuss the creation and advertising of the bumper-sticker, "Have grammar?" I wouldn't be opposed to it.)

Here's something to consider: Visual aids. What are 'boring' visual aids? Which visual aids are the most interesting to you? What about speakers? Which speakers are the best to listen to, and which make you want to leave the room? What is the difference between these two speakers?

If you weren't in class today, here's what you missed:

TPT- Yeay!
Collection of AF books- turn yours in if you didn't.
Speech components ppt.
HWK: write down FIVE potential topics for your speech.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Crunch Time!

Look how nice I am! Here is your rubric for your paper due tomorrow. It's worth 200 points.
Please make sure you're comparing the propaganda techniques, and not the actual products. Remember diapers vs. Proactive, doesn't make sense, but plain folk vs. testimonial does.

A. Response to Topic
Writer has identified two mediums where propaganda is used. Writer has also identified the different types of propaganda, and has ultimately made a decision as to which is more effective /35
B. Understanding
Writer has made valid discoveries to the use of propaganda in their selected medium. They have also thoroughly explained how the propaganda is utilized within the medium. /35
C. Paragraph Construction
Each paragraph is properly constructed,
consisting of a topic sentence which
supports the thesis, concrete details
from the text, and commentary
explaining the writer’s thoughts. /35
D. Quality/ Clarity of Thought
The writer thoroughly explains how each propaganda works within the medium. Ideas are complex, yet easy to understand.
Writer has also included a thesis which outlines the paper /35
E. Command of Language
Writer uses choice words to convey
his/her thoughts succinctly and
effectively. /20
F. Grammar
Grammar is correct and does not
interfere with understanding.
No grade killers are present. /20
G. Typed /10
H. Formatted Correctly
Paper is in MLA format. /10

OKAY: And for everyone participating in the speech contest tomorrow, remember:

4-way Test Speech Contest ROOM 316

Topic: The 4-Way Test

Of the things we think, say, or do:

1. Is it the truth? 2. Is it fair to all concerned? 3. Will it build goodwill and better friendship? 4. Will it be beneficial to all concerned.

ARRIVE: 5:30- Instructions

CONTEST: 5:45-Speeches begin

*You are allowed ONE 3X5 note card. Your speech must be within 5-7 minutes! You probably want to dress nicely; clean, no holes, shirts tucked in, etc.

And finally...

If you weren't in class today, you missed:

Review of propaganda essay.

Clarification on essay.

Essay work time.

HWK: Essay due tomorrow!

Friday, February 13, 2009


But you still have homework.  Okay, maybe not homework, but an essay to write.  Isn't that just so much better?  I just want you to make sure you're really seeing the propaganda within your advertisement, and not trying to 'make it work'.  

The biggest mistake you can make is forcing a technique to be in the ad.  Okay, and if you're interested in the speech contest ($300! WOW!) let me know and I'll post some more information on it.  

Juanita, I haven't forgotten.  I'll post your questions in a bit.  

Happy National Singles Awareness Day tomorrow!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Aren't You PUMPED?

For this way snazzy essay? I am. I hope you rock this essay like you rocked your Bless Me Ultima essays. It's all about the choice...

Okay, hopefully you're frantically looking at the advertisements that plague our little worlds. I think it's amazing how many propaganda techniques we are subjected to on a daily basis! Wow!

Please let me know if the outline lecture today was helpful and/or clear. I just want you guys to know that organization is the key to compare/contrast essays.

Okay here's what you missed if you weren't in class today:

Correct quiz from ch 8-10~Period One: REMIND ME TO DO THIS TOMORROW!
Essay assignment-YES!
Outline discussion
Example ads and essay from the very talented Ms. Piña (Duh, I should hope so: you're the teacher Ms. Piña!)
HWK: Bring in THE two ads you'll be working with for your essay.
Okay, it's almost five and I'm punchy from being in my classroom too long! See you guys tomorrow!

OH, question of the night: Where are you surprised to find propaganda being used? What ads are you thinking of? Does your awareness of propaganda and satire in the novel make you more aware of propaganda within your own life?

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Holly Smokes...

Did we blaze through Animal Farm or what?  Okay, simple text, double plot.  So a couple of things still to ponder though:
        First, why didn't Benjamin take action?  I mean, he's smart enough to understand what is going on with the farm, and he's best friends with the strongest guy on the place, Boxer, so why didn't he act?  I don't know about you, but that bugs me.  
    Second, what is Orwell saying about the intelligence of people?  
    Third, this is a satire, so what is it satirizing?  

Okay Advanced Compers, we're back on the blog bandwagon.  
Start gathering your favorite advertisements found in your paper media...(Like magazines or newspapers...)  
And remember: All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.  Which category to you fall into?  Equal or more equal?

Today in Advanced Comp:
Discussion of CH 7-9 (poor Boxer)
Read CH 10 w/discussion
Ch 8-10 quiz.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Some reminders....

We've barely gotten into AQWF, the movie, but what are your thoughts thus far? What about Himmelstoss as the lowly mail man? (Is there a reason why he goes 'postal' in boot camp? Sorry, couldn't resist...)

Don't forget that for periods 1,3,4 and 6, your letter home is due. Of the letters that I've read, many of you are forgetting to include Paul's thoughts about war in general. Please make sure that you don't forget to do that. Here is a reminder of what the assignment asks you to do:

In this assignment, you will write a letter home from Paul. You will discuss your feelings regarding your current situation, and also discuss at length your feelings regarding war in general. You should also make some allusions to what your plans are after the war. Specific references from the text ought to be utilized whenever possible.

Though this paper is to be written in letter format, do not be fooled by its simplicity. I will still be looking for coherent organization, thorough explanation about “your ideas”, and your use of specific textual references. In lieu of quotes, you will simply reference the text. This is a project in which you may also get creative; this is the only formal writing assignment you may write in pen. Have fun, write well and be creative.

And of course, period 1, you are going to give me your posters tomorrow as well.
And Bella will be notified that none of my classes remembered her birthday...she will be so sad.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Late Monday Blog

Okay, since we're inbetween books right now, I didn't post a blog at the end of the day.  Just to recap what we did in class today, and what is due:

Advanced Comp
Signed off on letter and poster draft.
Reviewed letter rubric.
Time to work on letters and draft.  

For those of you who need some inspiration, here is a link to all of those snazzy WWI posters.  http://library.georgetown.edu/dept./speccoll/britpost/posters.htm

Friday, January 23, 2009

It's Friday...

We found out today that many of our opinions had shifted, if only a tiny bit, after reading AQWF. One of the most hotly debated statements was whether or not soldiers know what they are fighting for.

Well, we're in a war right now. Do we 'know' what we are fighting for?
Obviously Remarque felt compelled to tell his story to the entire world, so clearly he has an opinion about war. What do you think Remarque would say about our current war?

Oh, by the way, if you post as Anonymous, please make sure you at least include your ID#.
Today in Advanced Comp:
Worked on both character chart and violence chart.
Reviewed and discussed class shifts on pre-AQWF war survey.
Assigned AQWF Propaganda Poster DUE: 1-27
Assigned AQWF Letter Home DUE: 1-28
HWK: Rough draft of letter and rough sketch for poster.  
And don't forget, this assignment may double count for Hein if you have him, but you *must* add in the elements I would like you to include for our assignment.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

The End....

Some experts believe that the ending to AQWF was the BEST if not the ONLY way to end this novel. Agree? Disagree? Why?

Do we as readers need to know exactly how Paul died? Explain

What was Remarque's purpose of writing this book, and do you feel he accomplished it?

*** Start thinking about what Paul would say should he have lived.****

Today in Advanced Comp:
Sign off on ch 10-11 notes.
Quiz on ch 10-11
Discussion on ironic elements of novel
Retest of anticipation war survey.
HWK: None

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

End of AQWF *spoiler alert!*

Here are some things to ponder as we finish the end of this novel...

What does Paul mean, "It is as though formerly we were coins of different provinces; and now we are melted down, and all bear the same stamp" (272)

Irony plays a large role in AQWF. Irony is defined as "the use of words to convey a meaning that is opposite of its literal meaning". Or the outcome of events to be contrary or opposite of what was expected.
What is the ironic contrast between those who profit from the war and those who fight it? How does Kat die, and how is his death ironic? Paul's death is incredibly ironic: how so? (think about his death in relation to end of the war.

What about those silly yellow boots?

Let's all hold hands and leap into the 21st century..

Actually, I know we are already here, and let's face it, most of you Mildreds, I mean.. "students" are up to your elbows in our 21st technology, but I thought this would be an excellent way for you to multitask by not only watching TV, listening to your iPod, texting, updating your MySpace, but also blogging for English class.

We have a mere, and I do mean mere 59 minutes together, and while I acknowledge that that period of time may be an eternity for some if not most of you, that time allotment seldom allows us to answer all of the questions you may have about an assignment, a reading, or anything else related to English. This blog is a medium for you to post your questions, your comments, and will be used to generally generate thought. This won't work without your participation, so please participate. Who knows...you may get extra credit for it.

Well, let's give this thing a little whirl.